Page 34 - Voices April 2018
P. 34
You Can Thank
a Volunteer
Leanna Lindquist, DTM
Immediate Past District Director
April is National Volunteer Month.
Volunteers, and the work they do, are often
taken for granted. I think this is especially your new club, then you can thank a volunteer.
true in Toastmasters. Is it because we depend If inmates have the opportunity to develop their
100% on volunteers? Some members think communication skills so they can be productive
Directors and the Trio are paid. Nothing could citizens when they are released, then you can
be further from the truth. They offer their help thank volunteers. If you ever wonder how the
to you willingly and without being paid. wheels of District 7 keep on turning, then you
Toastmaster volunteers are everywhere. If can thank our Trio. They are volunteers too.
you walked into a meeting and found everything People volunteer for different reasons. Many
ready to go, then you can thank a volunteer. If find it is a rewarding experience. Helping others
you competed in a contest, then you can thank to grow, making events possible, and being part
volunteers. If you attended a conference you can of something bigger than themselves brings joy
thank the volunteers who organized it, handled and a feeling of satisfaction. Our District is filled
registration, facilitated the contests, and served with talented and skilled people. Are you one of
as our speakers. Yes, even our keynote speakers them? Do you have a skill to share, a skill that
are volunteers. If you attended Toastmasters can make a difference in the lives of others?
Leadership Institute (TLI), had plenty to eat and During National Volunteer Month, I encourage
drink, saw old friends, and learned something you to offer your services or ask how you can be
valuable to help your club and enrich yourself, of help. Consider honoring volunteers in your
then you can thank many volunteers. club. Give a speech thanking members for their
If a Pathways Guide visited your club, offered contributions. Send an email (or even better, a
online trainings, and served as support to your handwritten note) to someone whose volunteer
club, then you can thank a volunteer. If a Director efforts have made a difference in your life.
visited your club, offered support, and kept you I want to personally thank all the volunteers
informed, then you can thank a volunteer. who helped me become a better speaker, leader,
If a seasoned Toastmaster mentored you or and volunteer. I am deeply grateful.