Page 35 - Voices April 2018
P. 35
Future Stars
In Hindsight
Emma Clark
The last time I remember crying, really college interview or simply meeting someone
crying, was last year, my first time going to new, it sets you apart from everyone else and
Future Stars, a Toastmasters gavel club. A leaves behind a good impact.
peaceful Saturday morning, I was looking I hate talking in class—always have. I’m afraid
forward to a relaxing and stress free day when that I’ll say something stupid or wrong. Being
my mom burst into my room. Still groggy from part of a safe community like Future Stars has
just waking up, none of what was happening helped me to overcome my fear of speaking. And
made any sense. “We signed you up for a speech I’ll admit—I still hate it and I’m still scared, but
club.” My stomach dropped, my head started like Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Nothing in
spinning and my breath came out in shallow the world is worth having or worth doing unless
pants. “W-w-what?” Still not believing it, my it means effort, pain and difficulty.”
mind jumped to petrifying scenarios, cold Emma is a freshman at Catlin Gabel School who
rooms, clammy palms and that gut wrenching has been attending Future Stars for almost 2 years.
feeling of hundreds of eyes judging your every Future Stars Gavel Club, is a youth communication
stuttering word. “We’re leaving in 30 minutes”, and leadership club administered by Toastmasters
just as my bedroom door shut and the sobs International, helping the young people of today
wracked my body. become the great leaders of tomorrow! The club is
About a year later, I look back on how stupid open to all middle school and high school aged kids. It
I was—sobbing like that. Now I’m not gonna lie, gives them the opportunity to become better listeners,
I don’t like going to Future Stars, I mean who thinkers, speakers and leaders.
would? Ask anyone what they’d rather be doing The club meets weekly during the school year
on a Saturday morning, and I guarantee it’s not every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm at 4115 SW
going to a speech club. I’ve even had opportunities 160th Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97007 in the first
to quit, to get my Saturday mornings back, but room in the portal. To learn more about Future Stars
I don’t. or to visit the club, please contact Coach Humaira at
I don’t because I know it’s good for me, and Visitors are encouraged
I know that this will be beneficial to my future. to visit the club and see for themselves why Future
Making a good first impression, whether it’s a Stars should be part of their educational journey.
VOICES! | APRIL, 2018 35