Page 13 - 2017 December Voices
P. 13
The Gift of Giving
(a Toastmasters Membership)
by Emilie Taylor, DTM - Club Growth Director
In the spirit of the holiday season and my speeches was
whatever way you wish to celebrate it. . . it’s all hard at first. It has
about giving, sharing, and love. become relatively
Some gifts are tangible and some are easier now because my writing and thinking
intangible. The intangible gifts last a lifetime. skills have improved considerably. I used to
Tangible gifts may break and shatter. My brother ruminate about how badly I did in table topics,
Edel gifted me with the “idea” of Toastmasters. In evaluation, or speeches. Now, I shrug it off and
2013, he mentioned on the phone that I should say Next! Your feedback and encouraging notes
check it out. helped so much!
It took me another year to visit a Toastmasters What a GIFT! Almost a 100 years later, our
club. Joining Toastmasters helped me to fill in founder Ralph Smedley’s ideas and thoughts
voids I never knew I had. I learned what “to have brought transformation to millions
educate” really means. “Educate” is the drawing of members who have been through the
out of that which was already there, but yet to Toastmasters program. The program not only
be discovered. builds on speaking and leadership skills, it also
I began to learn to draw deeper and deeper helps build self-esteem, poise and confidence.
into my well. The deeper I drew, the purer the It’s taken us from shyness to boldness, from
water, or in this case the thoughts and ideas. fear to confidence, from a feeling of weakness
These changed me in profound ways. to strength!
I was watching the movie, Dying Laughing, An idea for the season is to use your
about comedians the other night. It was about education, to draw out from where you started to
the struggles they went through in order to where you are, and think about ways and means
make people laugh. One of the stories was from to help others transform their lives. You may give
a woman by the name of Tiffany Haddish. She a tangible gift of a Toastmasters membership. If
said that when she was younger, she had to make you can’t, you can give the gift of an invitation
a choice between going to a psychiatric ward by bringing your friends, coworkers, relatives
or joining comedy boot camp for 8 weeks. The you care about to a club meeting. Or, I pose a
boot camp seemed to be the best choice. It was challenge for you: plant the seed of Toastmasters
safe, a place where people were supportive and just like my brother did for me.
encouraging. This allowed her to develop her A gift of a Toastmasters membership can
comedy skills which completely changed the truly change lives. The best part is the personal
direction, course, and outcome of her life. growth, new friends, and new ideas that
This parallel flashed through my mind Toastmasters has gifted us.
because that’s exactly what Toastmasters had Have a happy holiday season. Tell those you
done in my life. Did Toastmasters change me? love that you love them. Your light, poise, and
Transform me? Yes, changed in more ways than confidence makes a difference
I can ever count. well beyond the Toastmasters
One of the many ways (and quite a big Experience.
surprise) was finding out that I can make people
laugh. My husband in the past would joke that Blessings and
“humor is a difficult concept” for me. A quote
Happy Holidays
from Star Trek to a Vulcan. To infuse humor in