Page 16 - 2017 December Voices
P. 16
Christine Seed – a Charter Member
by Brinn Hemmingson, ACG, CL
Almost four decades ago, a male coworker in NE Portland. She also volunteers at Midland
invited Christine to join our company club so library, her local public library. “The difference
he wouldn’t be the only young person there. She in clientele between these two is amazing. You
refused, stating this particular club was full of old never know what question will be posed to you
men. This was her first awareness of Toastmasters. by another. With the public library, requests
The incident that got her to join happened are far more varied. I have tons of empathy
years later in 2002. A coworker Denise Sharp for those who work in retail. You need to give
noticed that Christine said very little in staff an answer to solve their problem.”
meetings. She was also surprised to discover that Christine has entered the table topics,
while Christine’s story repertoire was limited, the humorous speech and the evaluation contests.
stories she knew were vibrant, interesting and She prefers the table topics contest as she
occasionally historical. Denise knew Christine feels that this challenges her mind to deliver
needed to find her voice and she knew where to a concise coherent answer quickly. She placed
look for it, at Civil Tongues Toastmasters in the third in her first table topics contest. That was
Oregon State Building. enough to encourage her to sign up for the next
Christine has belonged to two clubs, Civil contest the following year!
Tongues (2002-2010) and Portland Progressives Christine says, “My political senses have
(2006-current). She is a charter member of been heightened and curiosity aroused. I
Portland Progressives. In Civil Tongues, she was have learned so much from the speeches of
President and Treasurer. In Portland Progressives others. You can’t use
Christine has been VP Membership, Treasurer, the same dynamics
Sergeant at Arms twice and Secretary substitute when speaking to
upon demand one year. Currently she’s the VP everyone to convey
Education. your point. The
“We can learn so much from each other if we money you spend on
but pay attention to what is being said and live Toastmasters dues is
money well spent. I
in the moment.” Christine covers the front am a work in progress
desk in the library on occasion. She works as a as far as speaking
library technician in the Bonneville Power library