Page 20 - 2017 December Voices
P. 20

Gradual Growth

                                by Ryaan Akmal

                                   Having been thrown  The first few weeks were a rude awakening; being
                                into a Toastmasters Gavel  VPE is a much more communication-heavy and
                                Club only a year or two  work-intensive job than I was used to. But with
                                ago and now serving as  Toastmasters, I knew I could rise to the challenge.
                                Vice President Education,        Ryaan Akmal is a sophomore at Sunset High School,
      I can say that a lot has happened very quickly in  and has been a part of the youth Gavel Club, Future
      my Toastmasters experience.                            Stars, for 2 years.
          I was introduced to the Future Stars club              Future Stars Gavel Club, is a youth communication
      by my cousin. At the time, she was finishing  and leadership club administered by Toastmasters
      her second year as President. When the next  International, helping the young people of today
      election day rolled around, I weighed the options  become the great leaders of tomorrow! The club is
      carefully, and put my name in for Sergeant of  open to all middle school and high school aged kids. It
      Arms (which may or may not have been the only  gives them the opportunity to become better listeners,
      job I had the qualifications for). After crushing  thinkers, speakers and leaders.
      my competition—running unopposed—I had                     The club meets weekly during the school year
      become an officer.                                     every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm at 4115 SW
          At first, being a Sergeant at Arms wasn’t  160th Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97007 in the first
      too exciting. Don’t get me wrong, I was always  room in the portal. To learn more about Future Stars
      diligent in my tasks and performed all of my roles  or to visit the club, pleas contact Coach Humaira at
      to the best of my ability; but I didn’t feel like I Visitors are encouraged to
      was growing. At officers meetings I would sit in  visit the club and see for themselves why Future Stars
      our little circle, not engaged or participating.       should be part of their educational journey.
          However, there was a fundamental shift
      somewhere in my thinking—it would be
      impossible to tell when. With experience and                    Toastmasters . . . It
      exposure, I had gained a full sense of what our
      club was doing and how it worked. Armed with               isn’t some hack to make
      that realization, I engaged with the club with
      renewed vigor. I actively worked to make sure              you extroverted or to
      meetings ran smoothly behind the scenes, filling           turn you into a flawless
      in missing roles, making sure everyone knows
      what they should be doing.                                 communicator. It’s about
          Looking back on it now, even though I felt
      like I wasn’t gaining anything, I was gradually            fostering and nurturing
      growing the entire time. I never realized it until
      I took a moment to look back from where I once             your inner leader, your
      came. I see now that that’s what Toastmasters is all       inner communicator.
      about. It isn’t some hack to make you extroverted
      or to turn you into a flawless communicator. It’s          Toastmasters is about
      about fostering and nurturing your inner leader,
      your inner communicator. Toastmasters is about             raising people up to their
      raising people up to their potential, not taking
      them there.                                                potential, not taking them
          When it was time again for another election            there.
      year, I knew I was ready for more responsibility. I
      took up the mantle of Vice President Education.

         20                                                                VOLUME 4 ISSUE 6 DECEMBER, 2017
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