Page 17 - 2017 December Voices
P. 17
Winter Toastmasters Leadership
Institute Recap
by Phyllis A Harmon, DTM
Toastmasters have a reputation for flexibility from Charley Patton,
and willingness to stretch beyond their comfort Region 2 Advisor, who
zones. A reputation that was put to the test earlier inspired the audience to
this year when it was announded that winter step into leadership and embrace opportunity.
Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) would It was followed by a day filled wth club officer
occur in December instead of the historical training, and optional sessions focused on
mid-January timeframe. Pathways, leadership, mentoring, and contests.
After much head scratching and whispers Current and future club officers took advantage
about new-fangled ideas, District 7 members of the day to network, share best practices, and
rose to the occasion. Over 200 people gathered learn more about Pathways.
at Wilsonville High School for Toastmasters People loved the auditorium and commented
Leadership Institute on December 2, 2017. that the ample potluck was well organized. At the
The day started early for the volunteers end of the day, 185 officers were trained. People
who arrived around 7:00am to prepare for the walked away with a tookit of best practices, a
day. By the time people arrived at 8:00am, the deeper understanding of Pathways, and a focus
Registration team was on the job handing out and plan to finish the year strong.
schedules, name tags, and registering club officers If you were unable to attend TLI, each
for Distinguished Club credit. Cathy Harris, Division is scheduling club officer training during
Hospitality Chair, and her team were busily January and/or February. The trainings will be
organizing the potluck contributions and getting listed on the District 7 event calendar.
the coffee flowing. Mary Canton, Volunteer A special thank you to James Wantz, Public
Coordinator, and Tamsen Corbin, newly Relations Manager/District Photographer, and
appointed District 7 Educaton Coordinator, made his team for the photos taken during the event.
sure that presenters and room coordinators had Click on the link below to hear and view a photo
the supplies they needed for their sessions. recap of the day.
The program began at 9:00am with a keynote
Leadership Institute
December 2, 2017
Photo Recap
Photos by
James Wantz & Tom Knapp