Page 21 - 2017 December Voices
P. 21



      by Harvey Schowe, DTM - District 7 Historian

             Oscar Ingalls Hall, Jr., a Portland Toastmasters  W. Tidball was elected
      club #31 charter member, was born in Seattle,  District Two governor.
      Washington on July 15, 1901. His parents were  Ingalls Hall, Jr., Portland, was one of the club
      Oscar O. Hall, an Inspector for Seattle City S and  representatives attending the meeting. Other
      S Department, and Lula M. Dupee.                       attendees were James Hoy from Tacoma; Bruce
          He attended schools in Seattle. At the  Harris from Seattle No. Two; Ben W. Tidball
      University of Washington he majored in  from Olympia; Ed Heed from Seattle No. One,
      engineering. He was a member of the Theta Xi  and Raymond J. Huff, also from Seattle No.
      fraternity in 1921 and 1922. In 1924, he worked  One who was a Toastmasters International
      as a junior engineer. In 1928, he was a building  Officer. Ed Heed later became a Toastmasters
      superintendent.                                        International Vice President. After 1937, Ingalls
          On October 26, 1926, Ingalls married  and family moved back to Seattle, Washington.
      Elizabeth Lucile Hogg. After April 1930, Ingalls  Ingall’s involvement with Toastmasters in Seattle
      and his family moved to Portland, Oregon for  remains unknown.
      a job at Oregon Bridge and Dredging where he               After leaving Oregon Bridge and Dredging
      served as general manager and vice president.          he worked as a sales engineer for the Austin
            Ingalls Hall joined Portland Toastmasters  Company until 1942 when he worked as a
      club #31 as a charter member in the fall of 1934.  contractor.  Ingalls moved up to a construction
      During the San Diego Toastmasters Conference  superintendent. Later he started the Hall-Atwater
      on October 6, 1934, Toastmaster officials and  Construction Company.  In 1948, he worked as an
      members approved establishing two Districts.  engineer for the company. He served as president
      District One encompassed California. District  of an Engineers Club. He worked with his son,
      Two included the Pacific Northwest.                    Johni at O I Hall Company General Contractors
          A District Two organizational meeting was  until his retirement. On October 28, 1967, Ingalls
      held on May 31, 1935 in Tacoma where Ben  Hall, Jr. died in Seattle, Washington.

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 6 DECEMBER, 2017                                                                        21
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