Page 16 - August 2017 Voices
P. 16

Feedback from Around the World:

                               The Hybrid Club Experience

                               by Brian Dodd, DTM - Guest Contributor

                              Brian Dodd has been involved with online connections since 1969 as a software
                              developer and entrepreneur. When Toastmasters International opened the door in
                              2015 to online attendance,  he was an early adopter and helped his brick & mortar
      clubs leap into the 21st century. Today, he is a member of two online clubs and a frequent attendee of nine.
          In 2012, the Toastmasters International Board  in online, no matter where you are, actually added to
       of Directors announced they were changing the  my joining in. I have been as far away as California;
       membership protocols thereby allowing clubs to  on Salt Spring island on vacation; at home in my office
       accept online members.  As a result, the founders  when I would not have been able to attend.
       of Royal Roads Toastmasters adopted a long-               There is a different atmosphere when you attend
       term plan to open the club                                                  online, but not a negative differ-
       to online members as a way                                                  ence. I benefit from hearing
       to increase club member-                                                    speeches and getting feedback
       ship. In December 2015,                                                     from around the world, and that
       the Club started accepting                                                  adds an unexpected dimension.
       online members. Many of                                                         The online experience
       the members are students                                                    has helped me with in-person
       of Royal Roads University,                                                  presentations, and vise versa.
       and come from all parts of                                                  I suspect that online commu-
       the world.                                                                  nication will only become more
          My first experience with                                                 prevalent, so developing this
       meeting online was in 1973                                                  skill adds to my repertoire.
       when I used a Datapoint 2200 desktop computer             The benefit of a multicultural audience; the skill
       in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. We             development; the ease of use, and the new online
       dialed up an IBM 360 Mainframe computer in
       Calgary, Alberta. The speed was phenomenal for        friendships have made the experience valuable and
       the times at 300 baud - only 500 times slower         enjoyable. I invite all Toastmasters to join in one of
       than today’s 150 mbs internet connections!            our meetings. Come as a guest ( just like you probably
          In 2007 I sponsored a club that met in             did for your first Toastmasters meeting) - inquisitive
       the conference room of Vancouver Island               and ready for a new experience that will change your
       Technology Park. We had the latest internet and       world.”
       telecommunications equipment. It became my
       first Toastmasters experience with online meet-           This year I’m the Club President for Great
       ings. I proposed that we use this technology to       Communicators, another hybrid club in a suburb
       allow members to attend meetings online for           of Washington, DC, in District 27. I let my fingers
       the Spring District 21 Conference.                    do the walking as I bring up Zoom Meeting on
          Derrick Johnson, ACS, ALB recalls                  my computer to join the meetings online from
          “I balked when my club began the trial and error   my home on Vancouver Island, British Columbia,
       process of developing simultaneous in-person and      Canada.
       online meetings. Like any change, I was comfortable       Brian Dodd joined Toastmasters in 2005, and
       with the regular format of presenting speeches and  earned his second DTM in 2014. He is a member of
       table topics in front of a live audience. I didn’t think  Royal Roads, Great Communicators, First Canadian,
       that online participants would add to my Toastmasters  Firebirds Collective, and Witty Storytellers Online.
       experience. My fears were allayed soon enough.        He is currently serving as Club President of Great
          I wondered if I would miss that atmosphere of my  Communicators, Treasurer for Firebirds Collective,
       regular club members. The beauty of being able to jump  and Treasurer for Witty Storytellers Online.

         16                                                                   VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 AUGUST, 2017
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