Page 19 - August 2017 Voices
P. 19


     Clackamas Stepping Stones

      by Linda Smith, ACS, CL

         Clackamas Stepping Stones Toastmaster               President’s Picnic
      Club was chartered on April 1, 1986. We are now  when we induct our
      in Area 64, Division E, District 7 of Region 2. I  new officers; November is harvest festival time,
      arrived in April of 2011 from District 12 (Inland  followed with December’s Ha Ha Holiday Party.
      So. CA.) My husband and I knew we’d find great             Clackamas Stepping Stones is a much honored
      people in Toastmasters, and joined Clackamas           club. We’ve been President’s Distinguished nine
      Stepping Stones immediately.                           times, Select Distinguished three times, and
         We were right. Displayed on the wall were           Distinguished once. And that’s only since 2003.
      two banners and an American Flag. One banner
      was unreadable because of all the ribbons sewn             We finished the previous Toastmaster year as
      to it. And on the second was displayed Gary            President’s Distinguished, having accomplished
      Schmidt’s name. He was International President         all 10 goals.
      2008-2009. This club was his home club. Best               I am so proud to be a member of Clackamas
      of all, we were greeted by people with friendly  Stepping Stones Toastmaster Club, and I
      faces. That whole package sold us on this club.        presently serve as their President. I have a board
         I have been looking through the records  of competent and congenial officers.
      which seem to begin in 2004. I do not know                 Come visit us any time and keep an eye out
      who was president; I do not know how long it           for our events on Facebook.
      took to charter. I do know the club used to meet           Linda has been a Toastmaster since 2007, when
      in a Denny’s. After the arrival of Dan North as a      she joined as a charter member of The Contrarians
      member, the meetings were held at its present
      location, Milwaukie Lutheran Church.                   Toastmaster Club in Irvine, CA—Founders District.
         In the first copy of board meeting minutes, I           Her career has taken many unexpected turns,
      see that Dan North served as VP Education, Linda       having been a social worker, a book seller, an office
      Thornton as VP Membership, Gary Schmidt as             manager for a small family business, and taught junior
      Secretary, Susan Lannis as Treasurer, and John  high school as a substitute and college level English.
      Waters as Sgt-at-Arms. ( John served as SaA  Now, she’s retired and working on her first novel.
      almost continuously from then on.)
         In April of 2016, we celebrated
      out 30th year as a Toastmaster
      Club. We planned for months, and
      invited all District, Division and
      Area dignitaries. The social hall was
      decorated with streamers, balloons,
      and glittering table decorations. The
      food was delicious and the company
      delightful. Gary Schmidt honored
      us with a keynote speech.
         Such parties are not unusual for
      Clackamas Stepping Stones. Our
      club calendar has always been filled
      with events. We host at least one
      open house per year, and there’s
      a special meeting every month.
      Examples: In February we auction
      off desserts for Valentine’s Day; in
      May it’s Cinco de Mayo; July is the

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 AUGUST, 2017                                                                          19
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