Page 15 - August 2017 Voices
P. 15


       Speaker & Singer—Russell Pike!

       by Brinn Hemmingson, ACG, CL

          Sometimes we come to Toastmasters via a  carries me past where things get in my way.”  He
      recommendation—and in Russell’s case, his  has seen his skills in leadership, listening and
      father was the one who suggested it. Russell was  socializing improve since he joined Toastmasters.
      shy, involved in one main social group which  He likes to see
      was a choir.  And as one might suspect, he did  what gets the brain
      not join.  Not then, anyway!                           engaged, to ask
          It was Cleon Cox and his JobFinders Support  questions that get
      Group that sealed the decision for Russell. He  people involved
      realized he could speak more succinctly, and it  and responding to
      certainly helped with interviews!  Russell said, “I  dialogue. And those
      never lost at an interview due to speaking, because  of us who know
      I presented well. And I credit Toastmasters for  him enjoy what we
      that. If I did not get the job, it was because the     call the “Russell
      other person was more qualified.”                      lion gaze.”
          Russell initially joined two clubs; Portland          Russell has been
      Progressives and TV Toastmasters. TV                   in Toastmasters for
      Toastmasters was an advanced club, but due             9 years.  He has participated in some contests. He
      to Russell’s work founding a Resume Club and           has held officer roles including President.
      his leadership skills, they took him anyway!              Russell is an accomplished singer.  He credits
      Russell’s lectures on resumes were polished by         Toastmasters for “dramatically improving” his
      his involvement in Toastmasters. For Russell,          voice.  A music teacher believed he could sing,
      socializing can be work, and certainly his             and “. . . singing is speech slowed down, inflected,
      involvement with Toastmasters has helped him           and made rhythmic.”
      in that area.                                             As for what he’d say to people to get them
          Russell said, “Toastmasters gives me courage.      involved with Toastmasters that was fairly simple.
      I am confident speaking to groups about autism.        “If you want to speak better, listen and lead, join
      It helps me in my Autistic Support Group.  It          Toastmasters.  And if not, join something else.”

          Music is the greatest communication in the

          world. Even if people don’t understand the

          language that you’re singing in, they still

          know good music when they hear it.

                                                                                             —Lou Rawls

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 AUGUST, 2017                                                                          15
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