Page 13 - August 2017 Voices
P. 13


      Goals, Awards, Kickoffs . . . Oh My!

      by Emilie Taylor, DTM—Club Growth Director

          Fall is almost here. We have had time to           goals, recognize the importance of it, however
      get to know each other in the club. We have            big or small. Celebrate your successes. Above
      new officers settling into their new positions,        all, always have FUN!
      “hopefully” having attended officers training          Membership/Retention Building
      and now chomping at the bit to get going.              Programs for Clubs
          What’s next? Planning—Yes, laying the
      groundwork on the path to a successful FUN                 September is membership RENEWAL
      club experience! How do we do this? The                month. Club dues are coming up. To keep your
                                                             clubs in good standing, please submit your
      Toastmasters journey is an inside job for each         payments on time, or better yet, early.
      of us. What we do on the inside, then together
                                                                 We are offering the following incentives:
                                                                 CLUBS: For the first 10 clubs who pay
                                                             their base membership dues (total number of
                                                             members at July 1st) by September 15, your club
                                                             will receive a $25 gift certificate towards the
                                                             purchase of any supplies from the Toastmasters
                                                             International store! I can already feel your
                                                                 AREA DIRECTORS: If 75% of your area
                                                             clubs submit their base membership dues by
                                                             September 15, you’ll earn a $20 gift certificate
                                                             towards the purchase of any supplies from the
                                                             Toastmasters International store!
                                                             Smedley Award (Program Date: August 1 –
      as a TEAM shows up on the outside, our club            September 30)
      relationships, and ultimately, our successes               To receive a “Smedley Award” ribbon, named
      that enhances members’ experiences. Have               in honor of our founder Ralph Smedley, clubs
      you conducted a Moments of Truth (one of the           must add five new, dual, or reinstated members
      presentations from the Successful Club Series) to      between August 1 and September 30. In addition,
      find out where your club has been and where it is      qualifying clubs can also earn a special discount
      going?  A club that has a vision and corresponding     code for 10% off their next club order. (The
      GOALS (Distinguished Club Program or DCP)              discount code expires six months from the date
      has a higher likelihood of succeeding than a           of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)
      club without a vision. With goals, you need an         Thus, spend a lot and save!
      accompanying plan that you can track easily. I’m           Applications and payments must be received
      the biggest advocate of having a Club Success          at World Headquarters or online no later than
      Plan. It’s easy to track your progress with a plan.    September 30. The addition of transfer and
      Remember, your plan is not set in stone. You           charter members does not count towards the
      adjust where necessary. As you achieve your            “Smedley Award” credit. (Darn these disclaimers!)

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 AUGUST, 2017                                                                          13
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