Page 8 - August 2017 Voices
P. 8

goal. Set it too low and it can become a ceiling— at, you won’t take advantage of your strengths,
       you reach the goal and stop, when you would  and may neglect to set appropriate subgoals to
       have continued had the goal not been there. Set  build your strengths further.
       it too high and you can become frustrated and             If you don’t know what you struggle with, you
       discouraged, and stop trying.                         can set yourself up for failure. You may overlook

       What’s an Intention?                                  the need to enlist allies, hire experts, and use tools
          An Intention, as I define it in my class, Set      and systems to shore up your weaker areas. Left
       Powerful Goals that Motivate You, is very different   unaddressed, those weaker areas can trip you up,
                                                             preventing you from reaching your goal.
       from a goal. Specifically, an Intention does not
       focus you. Rather, it expands your world of possi-         I recommend several different approaches
       bilities. Contrast these two statements:              to self-knowledge. One is journaling. Another is
                                                             using scientifically validated assessments. (Try
         •  I will take 10,000 steps daily                   the free VIA Character Strengths assessment
         •  I will find new fun ways to move my body         by clicking here. Yet another is to humbly ask
             daily                                           your spouse and co-workers each for a single

       The first is a goal. The second is an Intention.      improvement suggestion.
       When should you use Intentions?                       Set a Trial Goal
          Use an Intention when you’re exploring                 When exploring a new domain, don’t
       possibilities. Suppose you have a goal to lose        set performance goals. You should only set
       weight, and you plan to use a better diet and more    performance goals when you are applying a
       exercise as approaches to achieve that weight loss    known solution to a known problem. For your
       goal. And suppose you realize you hate walking,       first goal, we already know that we don’t know
       running, and jogging—you’ve tried it again and        how exactly to set goals for ourselves. We are
       again, and failed every time.                         just starting out.
          If you immediately set a goal (or sub-goal)            When exploring a new domain, set a trial
       to take 10,000 steps daily, you’ve not addressed      (learning) goal. I first learned this as a high school
       your obstacle of hating these forms of exercise.      freshman selling Christmas candles door-to-door
       You’re focusing yourself on using your willpower      as a fundraiser. I had foolishly set a performance
       to force yourself to try again something you          goal for myself to sell 50 candles to earn a special
       know is hard.                                         jacket. I quickly became frustrated because it
          If you were instead to set an Intention to find    was taking me forever to sell each candle. My
       new fun ways to move your body daily, you’re          performance goal seemed completely out of
       opening up. You’ll start to notice options. Oh, a     reach.
       Zumba class opened up. Oh, that cute co-worker            The first real goal I accomplished was, “find
       walks at lunch. Oh, some friends are hiking this  out how many doors I have to knock on, on
       weekend. Oh, there’s a free dance lesson coupon  average, to sell one candle.” The next goal I
       in my junk mail.                                      accomplished was, “figure out how many doors
          Intentions are a vital part of adjusting your  I can knock on in an hour.” The first answer was
       goal pursuit. When you find your progress on  seven, and the second answer was 14. I was selling
       a goal blocked, use Intentions as part of your  two candles an hour. It took me four hours to
       toolbox to craft potential countermeasures.           puzzle this out. I had sold eight candles.
                                                                 I now knew I needed to invest roughly
       Know Thyself                                          another 21 hours to get that jacket. My frustra-
          In order to set the right kinds of goals for       tion vanished, because my learning goals told me
       yourself, you need to know yourself. What you  what I needed to know. I was finally applying a
       want to do in life? What are you good at? What  known solution to a known problem. Now all I
       do you struggle with?                                 had to do was show up, do the work, and try to
          If you don’t know what you want to do in life,  figure out how to walk faster between doors and
       you are at risk of setting goals that will fail to  increase my close ratio. I now shifted fluidly and
       motivate you, that take you in the wrong direc- naturally from a learning goal to a performance
       tion, or both. If you don’t know what you’re good  goal: 42 more candles, probably requiring 21

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