Page 11 - August 2017 Voices
P. 11


      Getting Ready

      by Donna Stark, DTM—District Director

         I associate this time of year with the              up needed knowledge and wisdom. I have a
      Scandinavian Festival, the County Fair, and            similar feeling of excitement and promise that
      getting ready to go back to school. I thoroughly       I felt as a schoolgirl. Hmmm—maybe it is like
      enjoyed each summer vacation but by late August        back to school!
      I (and my mother, no doubt) would be excited               When I was in high school, Friday night
      about getting back to class. I would organize and      football games were the highlight of the week.
      re-organize my supplies. Notebooks filled with         The thrill of competition and cheering on your
      clean, fresh paper. Number two pencils with            favorite team—it was fun! The International
      their newly-sharpened smell. Crayons still in          Speech Contest will be the Friday night highlight
      one piece with the wrappers and points intact.         of the convention. Guaranteed to be great fun,
      It all added to the excitement and promise of a        we’ll cheer on our favorite team, D7’s own Quint
      new school year.                                       Crispin, in his semi-final competition and
         Laptop, check. Reading materials, check.            hopefully beyond.
      Passport, check. The supplies have changed, and            The next several days will be a whirlwind of
      it’s not quite back-to-school, but your Trio is        activity!  We will strive to become better leaders
      headed to Vancouver B.C. to attend district leader     to serve you more effectively.  We will seek out
      training and the International Convention. It’s        the best information, tips and tricks to share
      our opportunity to work and learn together as a        with you. The next several days will be a whirl-
      district team, with our peers from other districts,    wind of activity! When it’s over, I look forward
      and with World Headquarters staff. I’m looking         to returning to District 7. There is, after all, no
      forward to reconnecting with old Toastmaster           place like home.
      friends, and meeting new ones. I expect I’ll pick          See you soon!

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 AUGUST, 2017                                                                          11
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