Page 22 - August 2017 Voices
P. 22
If You are a Toastmaster,
Thank a Volunteer
by Leanna Lindquist, DTM, IPDD
Volunteers don’t planning events, and starting new clubs are just a
get paid, not because fraction of what they do. They are attending three
they’re worthless, days of training to better serve our District. This
but because they’re can mean time away from work and family. Trio
priceless. ~Sherry Anderson members, like all Toastmasters, do not receive
Do you know how District 7 operates? Who a salary and pay their own way to the District
puts on TLI? Who publishes Voices! Why you can Conferences.
always count on a conference? It’s volunteers! Why do people give their time and talent
Yes, Toastmasters is an all-volunteer to Toastmasters? The reasons are many. They
organization. How does that work? At the club want to give back to the organization that has
level it’s the officers. From providing a place to impacted their lives, make a difference to the
meet, to holding contests and planning meetings, lives of others, and develop existing skills and
club officers make it happen. If you have a mentor knowledge. They want to meet new people and
or speech evaluator, you can thank a volunteer. make new friends. They are looking for a career
On the District level, it takes scores of booster.
volunteers to keep our 179 clubs operational. For whatever reason people volunteer,
Area Directors are responsible for visiting 4-6 volunteers are the reason we have 179 clubs in
clubs, holding contests, and putting on club District 7. In truth, without volunteers there
officer trainings. They do all of this twice a year, would be no District 7 and no clubs. Volunteers
and that is the minimum. Division Directors are the life blood of our organization.
are responsible for motivating, overseeing, and Thank you Volunteers! We couldn’t do it
supervising our 39 Area Directors. without you!
The Administrative Manager keeps the
minutes of our District business meetings. The
Finance Manager pays the District bills, balances
the budget, and submits budget reports. The
Public Relations Manager spreads the word of
Volunteers set up and bring the food to
TLI. Club coaches and new club mentors are
volunteers. So are Pathways Guides, contest
judges, and those who are at the registration
tables at 6:00 am.
The members of the Trio—the Club Growth
Director, Program Quality Director, and District
Director have the greatest responsibility and time
commitment to our District. It is anticipated
this is a three-year undertaking. Seven days a
week, morning, noon or night you may find a
Trio member hard at work. Answering emails,