Page 26 - August 2017 Voices
P. 26
Delegation & Second Chances
by Hammad Khan
Three years ago, I in two ways: 1) every club meeting I meet face-
served as vice president to-face and discussed upcoming deadlines and
of Future Stars Gavel followed up with email reminders; and, 2) I
Club. I never imagined listened to the best of my ability to the suggestions
that, as a high school or concerns members raised. By addressing their
senior, I would get a second chance to serve as comments seriously, I worked more productively
vice president once more. In my preparations with them. Lastly, maintaining communication
for the position, I reflected on the mistakes I’d with the previous vice president was extremely
made last time, and how I might learn from them helpful. Not everyone gets a second chance at
for the upcoming year. their officer role, and standing on the shoulders
Before last year’s election meeting, I noticed of previous giants helped me hit the ground
that our club lacked the mentor support that we running.
had previously received when our coaches more With only a few months left for me in the vice
heavily drove our club. Previously, mentors president position, I reflected on the mistakes
supported members by helping us practice our and lessons learned from the previous year.
prepared speeches. But when one of our coaches However, I also saw the successes that stemmed
left, the support system began to fall apart. As from my past experience. This made me realize
the incoming vice president, I wanted to rebuild that second chances don’t mean much, unless
a mentor support system in which members you learn from past experiences.
would support one another. Hammad is a high school senior at Catlin Gabel
However, my role wasn’t primarily for School, and has been a part of the youth Gavel Club,
mentor support. How would I decide which of Future Stars, for 4 years.
my responsibilities to prioritize? The approach I Future Stars Gavel Club, is a youth communication
took was to talk with members and address their and leadership club administered by Toastmasters
concerns about club management and activities. International, helping the young people of today
When the feedback overlapped with my thoughts become the great leaders of tomorrow! The club is
about the mentoring program, I knew that the open to all middle school and high school aged kids. It
club needed to change. gives them the opportunity to become better listeners,
Although making a list of priorities is a good thinkers, speakers and leaders.
first step, change does not happen without action. The club meets weekly during the school year
Club members must actively work together every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm at 4115 SW
towards the goal. This obstacle forced me to 160th Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97007 in the first
learn how to delegate tasks to other members. I room in the portal. To learn more about Future Stars
noticed that some members were more reliable or to visit the club, pleas contact Coach Humaira at
than others because they consistently finished Visitors are encouraged to
their tasks promptly and appropriately. visit the club and see for themselves why Future Stars
I was taught the beauty of delegating. Seeing should be part of their educational journey.
the strengths and weaknesses of people gave me
knowledge, with which I assigned the right task
to the right person while giving the right support
to members where it was needed. Delegating
effectively got every member to participate, and
their participation helped to rebuild the support
network that we had almost lost.
A delegator is most effective when they are
in constant contact with the delegate. I did that