Page 25 - Voices 6.2017
P. 25
by Harvey Schowe, DTM - District 7 Historian
Charles Leland Stidd, charter member of delivered a speech at
Portland Toastmasters club 31, was born on the Expressions Club
July 6, 1891 in Denver, Colorado. Later his annual banquet. His
family moved to Independence, Oregon to brother Lee Stidd
farm. He attended Oregon Agricultural College, served as treasurer for this club in 1928.
now Oregon State University. Charles became His civic activities included giving speeches.
involved in many student activities such as He gave the key note speech at the 1931 YMCA
the Mask and Dagger Theatric Club where he
served as the club advertising manager for the kick off dinner for a sign up campaign for
play “A Scrap of Paper”. He performed a role YMCA physical exercise sessions. He spoke
in the March 27, 1914 student production “Of about Faith in Promise at a Portland Realtors
Mice and Men.” During 1916, Charles was the luncheon May 17, 1933. During 1937, he taught
student newspaper circulation manager. He home financing at Lincoln High School adult
was elected to the night classes. In addition, he served on the
student assembly Portland Chamber of Commerce Mosquito
and voted junior Control and Elimination Committee. He
class president in served as the City of Portland Commissioner
1917 with a five vote of Finance in 1939. He was a member of the
margin. Charles Portland Advertising club.
Stidd left college Fall 1934, Charles Stidd sent a letter with
in 1917 to help his a check requesting a charter for the Down
parents run the
family farm. He Town and East Portland Club, later known
married on June 5, as Portland Toastmasters #31. Toastmasters
1917. After selling International granted the charter in December
the farm in 1921 1934. Toastmasters Magazine December 1934
Charles and his Editor’s Chair article stated the following
family moved to “PORTLAND, Oregon club forming now
Portland, Oregon. writes via its president Charles L. Stidd of First
In 1924, Charles Federal Equitable Savings and Loan “composed
sang at performances of the Portland Light of Portland’s choicest businessmen, we are
Opera while working part time as the opera’s about to organize on a permanent basis and
business manager. Then he started a successful need all the data regarding membership in
career in banking, real estate and insurance. International. Leo Schmid has been zealous
Charles Stidd founded and became president
of the Portland Investment Company in 1934 in aiding our start“. Thank you, Toastmaster
an insurance and real estate business. He was Stidd. The federation’s arms are open and
director and vice president of Federal Savings all you need to do is jump into them. The
and Loan. Rose City group will add much to our garden
Helen Miller-Senn founded the of speakers blossoming around the globe.
Expressions Club, a public speaking club, in Charles Stidd’s Toastmasters membership
1921. It was part of the University of Oregon after the late 1930s remains unknown but he
Extension Center public speaking department. continued with his business career. He moved
Charles Stidd attended extension center public to Woodburn, Oregon in 1955, after retiring
speaking courses and became a member of the from the Portland Investment Company, where
Expressions Club. On February 24, 1928 he he died on December 20, 1983.
VOLUME 3 ISSUE 12 JUNE, 2017 25