Page 24 - Voices 6.2017
P. 24
Just Say . . .Yes!
by Alan Svehaug, ACG
Many of us turned public better understand the yearly paving
down opportunities program. This year, Chris will have spoken
to speak and lead, that with 12 neighborhood associations. Attendance
would have helped us at the meetings ranges from 10 to 40 people.
help others, before Toastmasters has helped Chris gain speaking
Toastmasters. At New confidence and to think on his feet.
Beginnings Our motto is “Bettering ourselves “As a school administrator, I use the skills
to Better the World” from Toastmasters on a daily basis—from
Every day is a New Day full of New leading staff meetings or trainings, to committee
Beginnings, new opportunities to do good and groups to presenting to parents. Just today, I
serve people in this world. By using the skills,
knowledge and training that we get from our am evaluating student teachers’ projects at one
Toastmasters meetings and training we can do of the local universities, and focusing on their
just that! We also say: “We train here, we practice delivery/content/presentation skills. To top it
here so that we can go out there and help and all off, I enjoy the opportunity to connect with
serve others.” Many of our members have done members in the community and network as well.
and are doing exactly that! I highly encourage you to check out
“To anyone considering whether to begin their Toastmasters - it’s a great place to be!” Nealane
journey with Toastmasters, I can honestly say, Reim, MA
you’ll be glad you did. For me, public speaking Update: At our last meeting Nealane shared that
has been a challenge. At times, it seemed an she was just hired for her dream job at the University
overwhelming challenge. I experienced anxiety, level teaching, mentoring and training teachers!!
nervousness and at times blushing which led to (Alan Svehaug)
feeling flush. I joined a local group in March of In addition to these we have many members
2016 and progressively improved. It has been who have positively graduated with honor! That
a life changing experience both personally and is, they have applied what they have learned,
professionally. I have conducted numerous been promoted, and/or grown their businesses!
workshops as a volunteer and am now booking So, let’s learn, train, practice and get ready
paid presentations in professional settings. I to do good works. Then when opportunities
have improved beyond what I had previously come up Just Say . . . Yes !
thought possible. The Toastmasters program,
with the support of a good club. can build
confidence, support your effort, and teach Alan Svehaug is a sought after speaker, teacher,
valuable skills. Each is vital for giving, caring, and coach of Tactical and Strategic thinking. He has
and sharing your message in the community. taught and coached teachers and students to help their
That’s what I am doing, with the assistance of students to become more Awesome! He has trained
Toastmasters.” James Klarenbach C.Ht. USN, Ret. many state and National Championship individuals
Chris Sneider, PE, is a Senior Civil Engineer and teams using serious Chess training. For the last 4
with the City of Vancouver and manages the years he has trained Corban Universities Mens Soccer
City’s Pavement Preservation Program. As Team at Tactical and Strategic thinking. (Corban
Pavement Manager, Chris, frequently presents Warriors went to Nationals the last 4 years in a row)
the City’s yearly paving program at public He is now training the Timbers U23 Soccer Team as
meetings including neighborhood associations. well. He is often flying all over the United States doing
His experience with Toastmasters has taught this training and has taught and coached students to
him to make informative presentations that become Champions at Chess for 22 years.
are clear and well organized, which helps the
24 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 12 JUNE, 2017