Page 27 - Voices 6.2017
P. 27
There Is Still Time To Be Great!
by Charles Shambry, CC
A message of hope to a friend, confidant, and colleague for a new year. A
message of inspiration and cheer as midlife approaches. A time of doubt when
lifetime goals have not been attainted during ones 20’s. And being a 30’s something appears to be a drag.
Below is an excerpt from this correspondence . . .
Dear F — Contending and competing with time is what
makes life worth living and exciting as long as
I understand now how you feel about the we look at the best.
accomplishment bug. Lately it’s been stinging Toastmasters has been a great asset to me in
me and buzzing in my ear about attainment. cutting down time. It has allowed me to express
The clock has been ticking louder every day, my voice. It is a vehicle that allows one to get to
and the concept of time seems to be going faster their goals and destination faster. It would do
with every year. you good, to look into what the organization
I NEED MORE TIME! Since my divorce I has to offer.
see that I have wasted some years (about 10) but
also gained some wonderful consolations, like
my daughter for example. Because I met you, I
feel this burden to change the world or at least
to make a meaningful mark on it. As I consider
times past, some of my biggest heroes who made
significant impacts in the world were close to my
age. Jesus was about 33 when he died and Martin
Luther King Jr. was 39. But as we look on the
bright side and remain optimistic, we can find
time to be awesome!
The root word of optimism is “best”. Let us
look for that “best” with each coming year. If I
were to look at history, I would argue that there
were many earthly giants who made ripples in
the water of life—many who made meaningful
contributions when they were in their 30’s, 40’s,
50’s, 60’s and beyond. You’re my hero, you inspire me, and I will
Remember also that time is relative. Scientists acknowledge you as I make my way to the top.
are still trying to come to terms with the But I feel you are making strides and are getting
meaning of it and its dimensions. Keep in mind there on your own whatever personal goals you
perspective—how you view it now and later, and have. Let us continue to encourage each other
how others see you. on this journey, my Friend. You still have time
Late blooming is an idea that needs attention and another year to be thankfully hopeful!
as well. You and I may arrive at some more Charles Shambry joined New Horizons in 2014.
mature, greater state. At least we would become in his spare time he enjoys creating youtube videos.
discovered later in chapters of the book of life He is a writer. entrepreneur, motivational speaker,
we all are writing. and Wealth Management Consultant.
VOLUME 3 ISSUE 12 JUNE, 2017 27