Page 20 - Voices 6.2017
P. 20
Learning Vocal Variation
by Hibbah Khan
In the beginning, I was like “I don’t need the start. Not
Toastmasters, I already took communication only did the
classes and I like public speaking.” This was my coach help me,
first year as a member of the club. However, but my brother
this was not my first year going to the club. I kind of helped
used to come at first because my brother was me too. He gave
a member. I hadn’t come often, but ever since me some ideas
my mom took on the responsibility of being a
coach, I came more regularly. My first reason for for my intro-
joining is because my mom forced me to, but I duction. When
found I have another reason for coming: turns I was giving the
out I needed to work on my delivery. speech, I had
The first speech I gave was the icebreaker. to skip many
I went fast, but I wasn’t nervous. When the things because
evaluator gave me improvements, he said that I spoke for too long. At least I wasn’t going too
I needed to move around the stage and vary my fast! My only improvement that I was given,
voice more. If I were to give this speech a grade, was to move around the stage more. No more
it would be a C. Not so great. comments about voice variation!
My second speech was about horseback I think I work harder than most people
riding. In Toastmasters, we had a workshop because I have a problem in my cerebellum
for how to organize your speech. I used this which effects my coordination and speech. This
tactic to organize my speech. I think I had means my voice can sound monotone. It takes
good organization because of this workshop.
My improvements were still to move around extra effort for my voice to have the variation
and vary my voice. If I were to give this speech that other people do.
a grade, it would have to be a B. Moving on up! Toastmasters has helped me by making
For my third speech, I gave a speech I me work on my voice variation and delivery
had already done. One time for a competition for my speech. If I had known how much
and this second time for Toastmasters. In the Toastmasters would help me, I wouldn’t have
competition, I did not put an intro in, I just complained so much in the beginning.
went straight to the story. A week before I gave Future Stars Gavel Club, is a youth communication
this speech for Toastmasters, I worked with a and leadership club administered by Toastmasters
coach to help me make an intro and revise the International, helping the young people of today
other paragraphs. The day I gave the speech at become the great leaders of tomorrow! The club is
Toastmasters, I felt confident. Since I was the open to all middle school and high school aged kids. It
only one who gave a speech, everyone gave gives them the opportunity to become better listeners,
me an evaluation. Talk about intense! I heard thinkers, speakers and leaders.
the same feedback as my previous speeches, The club meets weekly during the school year every
including my favorite: voice variation. When I
spoke some people in the audience thought I was Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm at 4115 SW 160th
nervous because of my lack of voice variation. I Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97007 in the first room
heard my own voice variation, but they did not. in the portal. To learn more about Future Stars or
Overall I would give this speech a B+. Getting to visit the club, pleas contact Coach Humaira at
better, but still not there. Visitors are encouraged
My fourth speech was the best out of all to visit the club and see for themselves why Future
of my speeches because I had help right from Stars should be part of their educational journey.
20 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 12 JUNE, 2017