Page 18 - Voices 6.2017
P. 18
Leadership – Quick and Dirty
Self Analysis
by Joel Conarton, ACB, ALB
In this last article of a five-part series on leadership, the author provides
tools to determine your leadership style. Previous articles in this series can be
found in the December 2016 - March 2017 issues of Voices!
The Quick and Dirty
There is a philosophy
that everyone makes things
as easy or as difficult as they
wish. Self-Analysis is one of
the areas someone can spend
time reading many books, and
leaving with no answers, or do
a simple analysis that points in
the general direction. This Self- You are considered a Monitoring type
Analysis is the latter; looking at a few key aspects, manager
and coming to a quick general conclusion. The
aspects will be revealed after the analysis so as 5. Do they listen carefully, ask very specific
not to sway your results. questions, and then wait to be left alone
to get back to their work?
The Analysis You are viewed as a Maneuvering manager
For this analysis, you just need to answer one
six-part question: When you make a request of 6. Do they say, “OK”, ask for odd details, and
others, what is their initial gut response MOST of then move off?
the time?” You are generally a Muscling manager
Series Theme?
1. Do they typically look for ways to accom-
plish what you have asked for and provide Throughout this series, it has been stressed
constructive feedback utilizing their skills that your leadership is judged by others in times
and abilities? of crisis, or stress. Fair or unfair, this is the reality
You are likely a Musing type Leader of the process. The idiosyncrasy here is that
although you are judged in those few moments,
2. Do they let you know what they are doing most of the reactions to you, day to day, are
and either; honestly, let you know where based on those occurrences. Thus, you can find
they and the project are at; or make the reality of the crisis situation in the day to
requests of you to assist in guiding or day interactions.
accomplishing the task(s)?
You are probably a Moseying style Leader The Aspects
3. Do they let you know what they are doing, The theme above, using the reactions of
where they are at, and ask your advice on others, is the first aspect to why this quick Self-
the best ways to proceed? Analysis works. Two other key aspects used in
You are developing great Mentoring skills the Self-Analysis are:
• Obviousness: It is likely this seems obvious,
4. Do they let you know where the project is and yet, it is the obvious that most often is
at and any deviation from the last update, correct, and if not managed, what tends to
or what others may be saying; followed by bite us when we least expect it.
a pause waiting for your next question? • Honesty with yourself: With all
18 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 12 JUNE, 2017