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The Value of Networking
by Cleon Cox, DTM
Networking, socializing, gathering, up in their learning
introducing people is something we have all more and expanding
done and still do but may not think so. It started their network. The
as youngsters when we introduced the new kid more people you know
on the block to our other friends. It continued and interact with, the more successes you will
through school, college and after. Sometimes encounter. The next time someone offers you the
we join churches, social groups, fraternal opportunity to network, give it thought. What
organizations, parent/teacher associations, ad do you have to lose?
infinitum. Yet when someone suggests that we Networking doesn’t need to be a separate
go out and network, many freeze up, panic, or function in our lives. With a little practice, we
can find how simply it integrates into our
daily lives.
Have fun, pay attention to whether you can assist them.
Start slowly. Have fun, meet people, and
Then look back at what you’ve learned, and
see if any of that
more than you
just ignore it. Meet people, knowledge was
What’s the value of anticipated.
networking? Learning
more, getting smarter,
learned is the more people I know the more Learn something.
meeting more people,
saving money, and the list goes on. A fact I have
information I have at my fingertips. I learn trivia,
facts, new ideas, and new words. The more people
I meet and learn something about, the broader Cleon Cox joined Toastmasters in 1994. He
my knowledge base is. Plus I also recognize just is a member of Wallmasters, New Horizons, and
how much I don’t know! Feedbackers. He is currently serving as Treasurer for
With the advent of social media, i.e., LinkedIn, New Horizons and Feedbackers. He was awarded the
Facebook, Twitter, and a few more, it is easy to Toastmasters International Presidential Citation in
keep track of our connections and search them. 2010 for his continual support and dedication to the
We’ve come a long way from the days of a organization. He is a frequent contestant and winner
“Rolodex”. Today, there are many more ways to of many speech contests. He is best known for the
search for the people we are connected to. number of people he has brought into Toastmasters
When we learn better listening skills and over the years.
connect with more folks, we always learn new
information, better ways to accomplish tasks,
or save money on items we buy.
Your ability to meet more and new people
and introduce some of them to others you
know, you set off a chain reaction that winds