Page 13 - 2017.1 voices
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      Happy New Year to All Our Past,

      Present, and Future Toastmasters

      by John Rodke, DTM—Club Growth Director

          When opportunity calls and asks you to step  Officer training is the “secret sauce” that makes
      up, what do you do? Say YES!                           them happen. Please check out the calendar to
          It is my honor to step up and serve as your  see when trainings are scheduled near you. If
      new Club Growth Director for the soon-to-be  your officers will not make any of them, contact
      President’s Distinguished District 7. That is our  your Area Director so they can get the informa-
      goal for 2017. With your help, we can achieve it!   tion to you.
             We want to create                               get credit and rewards for your effort:
                                                                 Here are some ways you can have fun AND

                                                                 Our new BINGO card is available and you
             strong clubs. Officer                           will find a copy in this edition of Voices.

                                                                 It will also be available on the District website.
             training is the “secret                         Round one of BINGO went well, but has room
                                                             for improvement. Let’s have a ton of winners
             sauce” that makes                               this time around.
                                                                 At the District Fall Conference, Cathy
                                                             announced two new Membership Contests:
             them happen.                                    #1 is for Millennials

                                                             The idea is to share the benefits of Toastmasters
                                                             with other Millennials. Check out the flyer in
          Help us create an awesome 2017 by actively         this issue for requirements to receive this Award.
      participating in the opportunities offered from        You can be the first to receive the “Extraordinary
      the District and merge these with your Club,           Millennial Award”
      Area, and Division activities. Cathy has been
      hearing from members about clubs that they             #2 For Everyone in the District
      want to sponsor. Let me know and we can help               We have an Individual Outstanding Growth
      you make these dreams come true.                       Award and an Outstanding Club Award.
          We want to encourage new members to                    Both contests began on November 5th and
      branch out beyond their clubs and attend TLI           will continue to June 30, 2017.
      (when the snow permits!) and get involved in           Club Growth Update
      officer trainings, contests, and conferences.              Year start: 173 clubs. Presently 166 paid clubs.
      Please take that new energy and direct it with         5-8 clubs are bringing their numbers up and
      mentoring and encouragement.
                                                             should be listed as paid soon. You can do it!
      Training                                                   These clubs will bring us back to our base
          It is vital that we get our club officers trained.  of 173.
      With the TLI rescheduling, (check the calendar at:         I am happy to announce 3 new clubs are it will be a challenge to meet  scheduling their charter dates in January.  A huge
      the requirements, but the important thing is the  shout-out to Wells Fargo, AECOM and Medford
      information. We want to create strong clubs.  VA Rehabilitation who will be charting soon!

      VOLUME 3 ISSUE 7  JANUARY, 2017                                                                        13
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