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                                   “Seasons” Greetings

                                   by Donna Stark, DTM—Program Quality Director

         One of the things I like about living where          growth.  I remember distinctly my dry mouth
      we do is that we experience seasons.  Summer,           and my knees shaking uncontrollably.  I thought
      Winter, Spring, Fall, and my favorite—Football          I was going to fall down!  And I survived.  And
      Season—all have their own unique gifts.  It seems       grew.  And you will, too!
      like this Winter is the gift that keeps on giving.          No matter the season, find the gift and make
      So far I’ve received the gift of two cancelled          the most of it!
      Toastmasters meetings, a missed Open House,
      and a postponed TLI.
         Leanna keeps reminding me, “We’re
      Toastmasters.  We’re flexible!”  In that spirit, I
      offer that the weather provides abundant oppor-
      tunities for speech material.  Share those stories,
      adventures, and lessons learned with your fellow
         Officer Training season continues through
      February 28th.  We’ll get details of the resched-
      uled TLI out as soon as we nail them down.  You
      won’t want to miss it!  It’s mid-year training
      season for your Trio, too.  We’ll be gathering
      with Trios from other districts for two days of
      training on January 20th and 21st.  It’s a great
      opportunity for us to hear first-hand from TI
      leaders and staff, and to learn from and network
      with leaders from other districts.
         We’re also moving into Contest Season.
      Club level International Speech and Speech
      Evaluation contests should be completed no
      later than March 10th.  Area contests will be
      scheduled between March 11th and March 31st,
      with Division contests to be held between April
      1st and April 22nd.  Winners of the Division
      contests will compete at the District contest at
      the Spring Conference on May 6th.
         I encourage you to give contests a try.  I
      remember my first speech contest.  As the
      president of our fairly new club, I challenged
      the members with an “I will if you will” propo-
      sition.  I really didn’t expect anyone to take me
      up on it, but five of us accepted the challenge.
      You know what they say about comfort zones and

         12                                                                  VOLUME 3 ISSUE 7  JANUARY, 2017
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