Page 14 - 2017.1 voices
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February is looking good for 1-3 new clubs  Now From The District

       chartering. Bringing our possible numbers to              In addition to what Toastmasters International
       177-180 clubs.
          Thank you to the members who are                   is offering, for every club that brings in 5 new,
       mentoring and sponsoring the clubs. By leaving  reinstated, or dual members in that time
       a lasting legacy, you are ROCKSTARS!                  period (who also pay the next renewal), I will
          It’s a new year. Let’s get thiese clubs chartered!
       Sponsors of prospective clubs, please reach out       send the club 5 New Member pins and one
       to me and discuss what we can do together to get      set of the Competent Leader and Competent
       your clubs chartered.
          A big THANK YOU to our Membership                  Communication manuals.
       Ambassadors and Kick Off Chairs. You are out              Increase your club’s membership 3% over
       in the District doing a great job helping                       your July 1 base, and we will give your
       us grow, retain, and thrive.
                                                                         club one of the workshop manual sets.
          Do you have a strong club                                         For example: Leadership Part 1 or
       with 20 regular members?                                               3, Mental Flexibility Part 1 or 2,
       Are you comfortable? Feeling                                             How to Listen Effectively and
       inspired or uninspired? I have
       a fun challenge for you. Visit                                            others.
       a struggling club and give a
       speech on what you are doing                                               Wrap up
       to create a fun, dynamic,                                                     I am jumping in with both
       environment for members to
       succeed. Share your wisdom                                                feet and trying to fill some
       and make an impact.                                                       large shoes. I beseech your
          Toastmasters International                                             patience and understanding
       has some other perks, as well as
       our own District incentives, for you                                      as I learn this new role. I
       to help others improve:                               look forward to helping our District thrive and
       Talk Up Toastmasters—February 1 – March 31 attain our goal of President’s Distinguished
          Toastmasters love to connect, so take              District. More importantly, I want you, as a
       advantage of it. The “Talk Up Toastmasters”
       membership program is the chance to encourage         member, to have fun during your journey of
       your members to invite guests to a special  becoming a better leader and communicator.
       meeting where prospective members can learn           The Distinguished Club Program is an awesome
       about Toastmasters’ many benefits. Then add
       five new, dual or reinstated members with a join      system to bring that about. The amazing network
       date between February 1 and March 31, and you’ll      we are a part of relies upon selfless individuals
       receive a special “Talk up Toastmasters” ribbon       who care about others, and want to spread their
       to display on your club’s banner. Qualifying
       clubs can also earn a special discount code for  wisdom. I am honored by this opportunity to
       10-percent off their next club order.                 help support this worthy cause.
          Applications and payments for members
       with a join date between February 1 and March             Opportunity is calling out to you. If you want
       31 must be received at World Headquarters or  to step up, and step into your next level, reach
       online no later than March 31. The addition of        out to me:
       transfer and charter members does not count
       towards “Talk Up Toastmasters” credit..                   I wish you success in sharing your stories
          The winning clubs will be revealed online  that matter.
       within a few weeks of the submission deadline.

         14                                                                  VOLUME 3 ISSUE 7  JANUARY, 2017
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