Page 18 - 2017.1 voices
P. 18


                                  by Scott Stevenson, DTM - District Leadership Chair

                                      It’s that time of
                                  year when members
                                  of the district should
                                  be thinking about
                                  how they can make
                                  a positive difference
                                  in their careers and
     personal objectives. One of the ways to help
     yourself with your planning is to consider how
     much your Toastmasters membership is helping
     with your career goals.
         Through Toastmasters, you have learned              managing the district’s day-to-day operations,
     how to better express yourself, gained more             finances and human resources. Fortunately,
     confidence in your ability to communicate and           you have a team of district leaders to help you
     lead, and the organization continues to help you        fulfill these responsibilities. You must empower
     improve your skills in those fields.                    your district leadership team members to work
         But Toastmasters, like all organizations larger     together toward the district mission, while
     than a single person, cannot function without           supporting each one in his or her develop¬ment
     a leadership team in place. In our district, we         as a leader. Together with your district leader-
     elect a new leadership team each and every year,        ship team, you participate in District Leader
     and it is time to start thinking about your role        Training, Mid-year Training and online
     in all of this. We need you and your leadership         training via the District Leader Tutorials on the
     skills to help us continue to make District 7 one       Toastmasters International website. To serve as
     of the premier districts within Toastmasters            district director, you must have served at least
     International.                                          six consecutive months as a club president and
         As seen by the list below, we have a number         at least 12 consecutive months as a program
     of offices that need to be filled before our new        quality director, club growth director or division
     Toastmasters year begins on July 1, 2017. Please        director, or a combination thereof at the time
     look at the list and decide how you might               you take office.
     best serve the district during the 2017-2018                Program Quality Director—As the program
     Toastmasters year. Also consider other members          quality director, you are responsible for all
     that you might know who would be a good fit for         aspects of education and training within the
     a district office.
     The Process                                                 This includes supporting quality club
         The D7 Nominating Form (found HERE) can             programming efforts, promoting the Distinguished
     be used to nominate yourself or someone else            Club Program and planning, organizing and
     for one or more district offices. There will also       executing the district confer¬ence. Together with
     be an opportunity to announce your candidacy            your district leadership team, you participate in
     at TLI in February, 2017 or send an email to the        District Leader Training, Mid-year Training and
     District Leadership Chair (        online training via the District Leader Tutorials
     to announce your candidacy.                             on the Toastmasters International website. To
         The following positions will be elected at the  be program quality director, you must have
     2017 District 7 Spring Conference:                      served at least six consecutive months as club
         District Director—As the district director,  president and at least 12 consecutive months as
     you are responsible for directly overseeing and         a program quality

         18                                                                  VOLUME 3 ISSUE 7  JANUARY, 2017
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