Page 19 - 2017.1 voices
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director, club growth director, division director or or area director. Once you serve as club growth
area director. Once you serve as program quality director for a full year, you may not be re-elected
director for a full year, you may not be reelected to the same office for a succeeding term.
to the same office for a succeeding term. Division Director—As division director, your
Club Growth Director—As the club growth job is to lead and support the division through
director, you are responsiblefor all aspects of the supervision and support of the area directors.
marketing, clubbuilding and clubre¬tention One of your primary goals as division director
efforts within the district. This includes defining is to ensure that each club achieves its mission
an overall marketing strategy for the district, and fulfills its responsibilities to its members. To
developing outreach and retention efforts with achieve this, you coordinate divi¬sion activities,
existing community and corporate clubs and set division goals and assist in the training of area
penetrating new markets. Additionally, the club
growth director supports challenged clubs and and club leaders. To serve as division director, you
helps them to become Distinguished. Together must have served at least six consecutive months
with your district leadership team, you participate as a member of a district council. The division
in District Leader Training, Mid-year Training and director may be re-elected to one succeeding
online training via the District Leader Tutorials term.
on the Toastmasters International website. To be All other district roles are appointed positions.
club growth director, you must have served at least These include Public Relations Manager,
six consecutive months as club president and at Administration Manager, Finance Manager, and
least 12 consecu¬tive months as a program quality Area Director
director, club growth director, division director