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Some of them are:
          Certainty                                           Contribution
             The quest to experience comfort and gain            The need to contribute to something
          confidence in your life will grow as you set        greater than yourself. When you engage
          goals and shatter them. The certainty you           in the roles of your meetings and support
          gain will also help with stress in other areas      others, you bring something to other people’s
          of life.                                            lives that they don’t get anywhere else.
                                                                    Once you know your deeper NEEDS,
          Variety                                             it will give you the courage and the energy
             Do you need to create variety in your life       to go out and set SMART goals. More
          to relieve boredom, predictability and stagna-      importantly, get them met.  You can do that
          tion? Every meeting and event you engage in         with Toastmasters.
          will give you a unique set of objectives and
                                                                    So before you create your goals for the
          stretch you in a new way.                           year ahead, take some time to think about
          Significance                                        your deeper needs and let them become

             What is your identity?  Are you a person         the fuel in your Toastmaster tank! After all,
          who wants to shine in the world? Are you            you never know when a twelve year old in
          a person who seeks to help others shine?            high heels is watching YOU be your most
          Toastmasters is a place for service.  It is where   fabulous self!
          you can grow in deep significance.
                                                                 Kim Blanquie joined Daylighters Toastmasters
          Connection                                          in 2013. She is a Mortgage Banker, John Maxwell
             Do you long for more connection?  Coach and Trainer, and founder of Summit
          I’ve come to see that the opportunities in  Leadership Coaching, Inc., which works with
          Toastmasters go far beyond developing the           leaders and businesses across the country to
          speaker inside of us. Toastmasters is ulti-         increase purpose and production in the workplace.
          mately about the relationships.                     On January 27th, Kim will have the honor of
          Growth                                              being the “Toastmaster” at The Masquerade Ball
             The need to learn, experience and grow           in Sherwood, Oregon. Tickets can be purchased
          mentally, emotionally and spiritually will  at and proceeds will go
          happen as you prepare for your meetings  to benefit a non-profit, Hope for Widows and
          and engage with other like-minded people.           Orphans.

                                     YOU ARE INVITED TO A BOOK SIGNING & PRESENTATION

                                                     Friday, January 27, 2017 - 6-8pm

                                      Joan Lubar, member of Toastmasters for Speaking Professionals, is
                                      launching her newly released book, Rock & Roll at Any Age, with a
                                      book signing and presentation on Friday, January 27, 2017 at
                                       Cascade Sotheby’s International Realty, 310 North State Street, Suite 102,
                                       Lake Oswego, Oregon

                                        Rock & Roll at Any Age, a Rebellious Look at Life, Health and Spiritual
                                        Wisdom from the Sassy Sage. Sharing personal stories with easy ideas
                                        and solutions to move through life feeling as great as possible, Joan
                                         answers the fears and myths that make us sure we will be in pain,
                                         hunched over, sick, tired and overweight, the older we get. Joan lives
                             the philosophy of “Getting older is inevitable.  Aging is Optional.”

           Join Joan, enjoy a fun presentation as well as hear a reading from her book while enjoying appetizers,
           wine and champagne to celebrate her book launch.

         8                                                                   VOLUME 3 ISSUE 7  JANUARY, 2017
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