Page 20 - Voices 2024-10
P. 20

Toastmasters in the Community

                                          Nurturing Brighter Tomorrows:

                                   A Journey in Career-Connected Learning

                                                      Penny Jahraus

                                                                   the transformative power of teaching.
               Embarking on a journey in Career-                   Guiding individuals to conquer their
               Connected Learning isn’t just about                 fears and acquire life-saving skills
               shaping futures; it’s                                                     fueled my passion for
               about empowering                                                          education. Then for
               dreams. As the                                                            30 years, as a Literacy
               Director of                                                               and ESL Teacher
               Career-Connected                                                          (at elementary,
               Learning at the                                                           middle school and
               South Metro-Salem                                                         community college
               STEM Partnership,                                                         levels), I helped
               I am privileged                                                           children, youth and
               to play a pivotal                                                         adults read, write, and
               role in bridging                                                          communicate more
               the gap between                                                           fluently in English.
               education and the
               workforce. In this                                                        Along the way, I talked
               role, I facilitate                                                        with most of those
               opportunities to                                                          students about the
               inspire educators                                                         careers they might be
               and their students,                                                       good at in their future.
               igniting passions                                                         We would brainstorm
               that lead to                                                              what steps they might
               meaningful careers.                                                       take to set themselves
               In today’s world,                                                         up for success to
               STEM - Science,                                                           pursue those career
               Technology,                                                               ideas. I also witnessed
               Engineering,                                                              the disparities faced
               or Math - is                                                              by many adult
               fundamental in                                                            learners, particularly
               every profession.                                                         immigrants with
                                                                                         rich professional
               As a youth, I knew I                                                      backgrounds. It was
               wanted to empower                                                         disheartening to see
               others to reach                                                           their qualifications
               their goals, a calling that has guided me           lost in translation, but it was also
               throughout my own career in education.              inspiring to watch them reinvent
               My journey began as a lifeguard in                  their careers from scratch or explore
               high school, where I got a taste for

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