Page 14 - voices-2023-03
P. 14
Where are YOU on the Road to Success?
Lorri Andersen, DTM - District 7 Director
As I check my calendar, I see the end of March family, or community, do you see the value
is near. When I was in school, March was a of Toastmasters in your life? What skills have
busy time of the year. There was always a big you learned that you can translate outside of
push to get as many projects done as possible Toastmasters? Maybe you’ve come further with
before Spring Break. That allowed us to enjoy your goals than you think you have.
ourselves and rest during our week off. We came Sometimes I see people outside of
back refreshed and ready to push on to the end Toastmasters struggle with what we find easy
of the year. to do, live our core values. I’ve had people ask
Can we relate that to Toastmasters? We’ve me why some people are so accomplished? I
taken a quick breath of air after our club and suggest that it’s because of discipline. It takes
area contests and now it’s time to get back discipline and training to be positive, helpful,
to work. Our number one goal for our clubs empathetic, kind, and live our core values. Can
is membership. I am so glad that guests continue you lead a meeting? Have you learned to speak
to contact our clubs through the LinkedIn without ahs and ums? Are you able to listen and
membership campaign in our District. If you evaluate? Can you inspire and influence people
receive contacts from potential new members, in a positive manner? You have these skills
please follow up as soon as possible. because you have taken the time to build the
We are at the beginning of the end with only value of Toastmasters into your life. Perhaps
three months left in the Toastmasters year. What your goals were to refine these skills. Maybe
are your goals for the next three months? Here you just need to sharpen the skills you have. If
is a question that only you can answer. What did that is the case, you have a notable goal.
you set out to learn this year? Are you on track What club goals do you have? Have you
to finish your personal projects? What journey planned for an open house to let people
are you on and what education goals are you know about your club? Do you know what
pursuing for yourself? Do you feel good about Distinguished means? It’s not a number. . . it’s
your progress? real people, living, growing, and learning. It’s the
When you are at work, within your sum value of a group of people with a positive