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causes uncertainty, and avoid using poor situation wasn’t about being the most able
body language. worker, the one with most experience, or
I have two examples of communication even the fastest employee. It was about
that portrays the value that Toastmasters communicating the plan and implementing
carries in my life: it in the most efficient way. In other words,
First, months before I was released from it wasn’t about what I was physically
prison, I knew I’d be living and working in a able to achieve but rather being able to
pear orchard. The thought of having a place communicate the plan to achieve the goal.
and job was soothing. Knowing I had to start You don’t need to be the fastest just be
completely over again was not. I set a goal for able to communicate with the fastest. You
myself to find a different job within 6 months, don’t need to be the most able just be able
which would require moving jobs and houses to communicate with the most able. After
too. For two months I went to work, did those two weeks, I became the supervisor
what was asked of me and at the end of the of the orchard, three months after release.
day expressed to my supervisor what was Second, at the time I was supervisor in
completed and what still needed doing. Two the orchard, I also got a part-time position
months after starting my job, the supervisor at a local resort. I specifically applied to
quit during the same week that the manager be a restaurant dishwasher in a lodging
was set to go on a two-week vacation. The and ski resort. I figured it would be a
manager thought about shortening his no-responsibility job. The job was what I
vacation, switching his vacation dates, and expected it to be and helped me achieve
canceling his vacation in an effort to remedy my financial goals.
not having a supervisor. As I got better at my job, I took on more
I remember expressing that any one of responsibilities and got a better wage. I
the workers was just a phone call away during referred to myself as the ""highest paid"
the two weeks he’d be gone. And just like dishwasher. Let me say I did well beyond
that— with no management experience, a the duties of a dishwasher but my official
simple to-do list, and one-hour training crash job was dishwasher.
course—I became the manager on duty while I spoke to the manager on what I would
the manager was on vacation. like my wage to be and asked to be matched
This was shocking to everyone including to an equivalent amount of duties. That was
me. The team had members with more an easy deal for the both of us. I got paid
experience and individuals who were better what I wanted and wasn’t overwhelmed by
trained and prepared for work assignments. more work, in fact I welcomed it. I got to
So why did I get the temporary position? the point where I could pitch my wage idea
The manager needed someone on the farm to the manager by organizing my thoughts
who he was able to communicate with. This and clearly communicating them. I knew
VOICES! | MARCH 2023 11