Page 12 - voices-2023-03
P. 12
I could manage more responsibilities and Table Topics. You never know what you’ll be
tasks while not falling behind on dishes. The asked, you have about 10 seconds to prepare
plan worked so well that within 8 months of a response, and your answer better be less
“dishwashing” I was recommended for front than 2 minutes. The value of Toastmasters
desk of the resort. comes in two parts for me. Part one is being
I now work as the evening receptionist. able to have enjoyed acquiring the knowledge
The front desk takes reservations for lodging and the meaning it had for me while I was
and dinning so we communicate with the incarcerated. Part two is being able to apply
restaurant and guests daily. We check in my Toastmasters knowledge to life after
guests and answer any questions they have. prison, the training wheels are off. Feeling
We are the first line of communication a part of something or as if you belong is
with incoming and outgoing phone calls. I important, and so is knowing that what you
volunteer to contact the upset guests because were a part of and belonged to in prison
I am able to communicate. is able to reach much further than you’d
The Great Abe Lincoln once said “you’re ever imagined. The value of Toastmasters
either communicating or you’re not.” in my life isn’t what I learned during my
Verbatim Honest Abe said that and he’s right incarceration but rather how I can apply what
(I’m pretty sure Abraham Lincoln didn’t say I’ve learned to my life.
I look at my job as an ongoing round of
District 7 Toastmasters Prison Clubs
Audacious Orators – Coffee Creek Correctional Facility, Wilsonville
Capital Toastmasters – Oregon State Penitentiary, Salem
Hopemasters – MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility, Woodburn
Rose City Toasters – Columbia River Correctional Institution, Portland
Spirit Trackers – Deer Ridge Correctional Institution, Madras
If you have a correctional institution near you that does not have a prison club, please
consider volunteering to help start a club.