Page 18 - voices-2023-03
P. 18
Robert's Rules of Order
Chaos to Decorum
Dave Bones, DTM - Club Growth Director
Have you heard anything like the following at a the minority is always heard.” Additionally,
Toastmasters or other organizational meeting: Robert's Rules provides that only one person
“I move that we change our weekly meeting time to speaks at a time and on one issue at a time.
start at 6 PM.” “It has been moved that we change In my opinion, this is exactly what is needed
our weekly meeting time to start at 6 PM. Is there a for a culture that enhances member buy-in,
second?” “Second!” “It has been moved and seconded, expression, and growth within Toastmasters.
that . . .” What in the world are they saying? Why Could Toastmasters leaders benefit from more
don't they just speak normally? Is there some training in using Robert's Rules of Order?
benefit to this type of dialog? One common obstacle to successful
When I first joined Toastmasters thirteen Toastmasters clubs is if a leader's perspective
years ago I certainly did not understand this. reflects “my way, or the highway.” I know you
Since then I have come to love using Robert's are probably saying "no way, not me!" OK, you
Rules of Order to make collaborative decisions could be correct. What I believe is that almost
within my club and in our District! every passionate TM leader I have encountered
Robert's Rules of Order was originally has been through this stage, me included. Top
published in 1876 by General Henry Martyn indicators of this obstacle include the leader's
Robert. It was provided as an adaptation of thinking that sounds like, “if only THEY
the rules and practice of the United States (meaning, the club members) would only (insert
Congress to meet the needs of non-legislative whatever the leader thinks that THEY should be
societies. This was responding to the needs of so doing), then everything would be easily solved.”
many organizations having meetings that were A fictional example . . .The Vice President
chaotic, tumultuous, and with little consistency Education (VPE) is convinced that if members
in procedure. sign up for weekly meeting roles at their club
The big benefit of this parliamentary website, things would be so much better and
procedure communication system is illustrated easier. The VPE said, “I have taken the time at
in the following tag line, as I understand it, meetings to show members how to do this, but
“Decisions are made by the majority, but nobody does it!” The cycle continues, where