Page 19 - voices-2023-03
P. 19


      members do not sign                                    some of the following action items to get started

      up for roles and the VPE                               with the Robert's Rules of Order parliamentary
      continually endures frustration. With the              procedure system:
      absolute best of intentions, the VPE is convinced         •  Club Officers—Request a Parliamentary
      that this is the one and only solution.                       Procedure presentation to help your club

         What if the VPE were to look at this from                  get started.
      another perspective? The VPE has been                     •  Area and Division Directors—Request
      looking at an outcome that must take place.                   this topic to be included in your Area and
      What if, the VPE thought also of the process                  Division Director training.

      of decision-making as being important, if not             •  Anyone—Purchase the “Parliamentary
      more important?                                               Procedure in Action” items 237A -
         Using Robert's Rules, led by the President as              Coordinator's Guide; 237C - Chart of
      Presiding Officer, this topic could be offered as             Motions; 237D – Power Point in the TI

      a motion for the club members to discuss and                  store.
      then vote on.                                             •  Purchase Robert's Rules of Order, Newly
         Likely, one of two things would happen.                    Revised, 12th Edition from September 2020
      First, the group may come up with a solution                  (It is well written, though technical. You

      not previously considered. Second, by taking                  do not need this to get started.)
      part in the discussion maybe the group would              •  Visit the “Parliamentary Procedure in
      see the benefits of the motion for all members                Toastmasters Playlist” under the Saved
      to sign up for roles on the club website. Because             playlists at our D7 YouTube Channel.

      they had a chance to vote on this process they            •  Request a list of further resources from
      may have more “buy-in” which means they may                   me, and I would be happy to email this
      be more likely to follow through.                             to you.
         If you have had some of the problems                    I am grateful for your contribution to

      described, or would like to expand your                our clubs, and in our shared value that every
      collaborative environment, you might consider          members voice is heard!

                                                                                   VOICES! | MARCH 2023         19
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