Page 10 - 2022-11
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one speech last year and you set a goal of 10 this in turn lead to positive actions and ultimately
year, same thing. Start small and advance slowly. successful outcomes.
elevant: Your goal must be important to Fellow Toastmasters, whether you make a
Ryou. You must know why you are doing it. New Year’s resolution or not, I hope that you
Why may be the most important element. If found a useful nugget somewhere in this article.
you don’t have a strong why, then you are more If you are hungry for more, of course feel free to
likely to let other things get in the way. As a kid get in touch with me. For those wanting more,
you probably asked your parents “but why???” there have been many books written on the
an annoying amount. You should be asking subject of behavior change and habit formation.
yourself the same question. Again, this applies I’ve not read them all, but of what I have, I highly
to your overall goal as well as each step. So, while recommend the book Atomic Habits by James
I encourage you to start super small, that tiny Clear. In my opinion, it is the bible of behavior
step must also be meaningful to you. change.
ime Bound: Finally, you must specify where Now get to work!
Tand when you will complete your micro and
macro goals. If you are trying to lose weight, how A Toastmaster of three years, Jeff fancies himself
much and by when? Then do the same for each something of a superhero, working in Market Research by
step along the way. Same for your TM goals, do day and moonlighting as a Health Crusader by night. Just
specifically what by specifically when. like Superman, Spiderman and the Incredible Hulk (well,
maybe not the Hulk), Jeff has a mild-mannered, professional
Get a Coach persona during the workday, having spent over 20 years
I can tell you all day what to do, but until you working with his research clients to craft solutions to
uncover and understand why you aren’t doing the accomplish their consumer insights needs.
things you tell yourself you want to do, you are At night, however, his tie comes off and the cape goes
not likely to make sustained long term progress. on! Okay, he doesn’t really wear a tie, but you get the
This is where a coach can help. point! Trained and certified as both a life and nutrition
I spend most of my time as a health coach not coach, Jeff spends his evenings and weekends helping
talking about food at all. The vast majority his coaching clients with their health goals – primarily
is spent helping clients navigate difficult weight loss. Working with Jeff requires clients to dig in to
situations in their lives and untangle the uncover and face the limiting beliefs, unhealthy habits and
web of lies they tell themselves. All the especially that nemesis that lives in their head, as these are
reasons why they aren’t good enough, don’t have the real perpetrators who have prevented them from living
what it takes and cannot succeed. Thoughts lead a healthier lifestyle.
to feelings and feelings lead to actions. We are Father to many, husband to one, Jeff and his wife Liz
often our own worst enemy in this regard, so it are members of Tell Me A Story Toastmasters Club.
is vital to start thinking about ourselves in ways
that lead to positive feelings about ourselves that