Page 8 - 2022-11
P. 8


      but it’s not important enough for me to                 idea is to set yourself up for success and build

      put in the work required to get that body.              upon that success, slowly and sustainably.
      You may want to stand on an international
      Toastmasters stage, but until you know                  Create an Environment that
      WHY and create a clear action plan to get               Encourages Success.
      there, it will remain a dream and not                       In my opinion, this tip is the most important;

      a reality.                                              I cannot stress this enough. Most of us think

      Keep It Small                                           that we lack willpower, when in reality,
                                                              we just need to create an environment
         When making behavior change,                         that does not require heroic amounts
      it is often important to keep it small.                 of self-control to succeed.
      The biggest mistake I see, as a health coach, is            If trying to lose weight or eat
      when people try to make too big of a change too         healthy, get the tempting food out
      quickly. Success is built on small, incremental         of your house! Those salty and sweet

      steps done consistently.                                snacks that you cannot resist like chips, cookies,
         This might sound counter-intuitive, but if           etc – give them away or throw them away then
      you are trying to exercise more, the last thing         stop buying them! If they are in your house,

      you should set yourself up for is going from your       they will get eaten.
      couch to visiting the gym 6 days per week. If               Next, replace those foods with healthy
      that’s the expectation you set, you may consider        options. If you live with other people and don’t
      yourself a failure if you go 4 times that week,         want a fight on your hands, at least get those
      easily leading to feeling discouraged. Instead,         foods out of sight. If you walk past a plate of

      commit to going 1 time per week.                        cookies every time you go in the kitchen, chances
         Better yet, don’t go to the gym at all. Commit       are you will eventually pick one up (or a couple
      to 1 pushup per day, 1 sit-up or 1 jumping jack. It     handfuls in my case). Instead, put them in a

      may sound silly, but that’s also kind of the idea.      cupboard, the garage or
      Make it so small that it’s almost laughable. You        somewhere out of sight.
      can always do more than the minimum, so start           You’ll be surprised how
      slowly and build from there.                            quickly you forget about
         In Toastmasters, it’s the same principle. If         them. Out of sight out of

      you completed 1 speech last year, then don’t            mind really does work.
      start this year telling yourself you must do 12             Also, surround
      speeches or complete an entire new path. How            yourself with like-

      about committing to 2 speeches this year? The           minded people who will be

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