Page 12 - 2022-11
P. 12
Lorri Andersen, DTM - District 7 Director
I hope each one of you had a wonderful immediate family, brothers, sisters, nieces,
Thanksgiving. nephews, and dogs. We don’t need to rent
There is much for which we can be the fire hall anymore, but our gatherings
thankful— families, work, and our Toastmaster are sometimes quite large. To see everyone
Clubs. and catch up with their lives gives me an
Did you know that being thankful and appreciation and happiness as I participate in
grateful can help you live a better life? this family tradition.
Research from Harvard Medical School found I am thankful for all the transferable
that giving thanks can make you become skills I have learned and continue to learn
healthier, happier, more positive, and have in Toastmasters. We take for granted the
a better well-being . I have many things for critical listening and thinking skills vital to the
which I am thankful. We have a strong District workplace that we use weekly in evaluations
7 Team. I love to visit Clubs and say hello. I and Table Topics. Did you know how to pull
feel at home making new friends and being a meeting together and create an effective
with the people I know. agenda before you came to Toastmasters?
I grew up with a large family of aunts, It was evident to me, before I joined, that I
uncles, cousins, kids, and dogs. We all gathered needed those skills. We use them every time
for Thanksgiving. There were so many of us we serve as Toastmaster. Our core values of
that my dad rented the local fire station to fit integrity, respect, service, and excellence help
everyone into one place. I keep the tradition us build interpersonal skills; such things never
alive as I celebrate Thanksgiving with my grow out of style. We build self confidence