Page 14 - 2022-11
P. 14


     TLI Moves to Zoom Events!

     Jim Robison, DTM - Program Quality Director

      Toastmasters Leadership Institute on December            that apply to your specific officer role. You are
      2nd and 3rd will be District 7's first ever event        required to attend at least one of the sessions
      run on the Zoom Events platform. This means a            in your Track to earn credit for officer training
      big learning curve to figure out how to set it up,       but may choose any sessions during the other

      how to configure everything, and how to provide          breakouts. You can bookmark the sessions you
      the best experience for our members.                     plan to attend to create your own itinerary. This
          The exciting part is the opportunities it will       itinerary can be downloaded as an .ics file to
      provide. We can better prevent 'Zoom bombers             import into your own calendar.

      from disrupting the event. The Event Lobby will             Q: I’ve already been through officer training, why
      allow you to move around within the event as             should I attend?
      if you are moving from room to room in a live               A: TLI is far more than just basic club officer
      conference. There will even be an Expo where             training. This year we are offering a new option.

      you can visit virtual booths to learn about District     The sessions identified as “electives” will also
      activities.                                              apply as credit for officer training for relevant
          You don't need to wait until December 2nd to         officer roles. Think of them as advanced officer
      start experiencing the event, you can go to the          training if you already had the basic officer

      event lobby by registering right now: Register           training. You will have the opportunity to 1)
      Here.                                                    refine your skills and get pointers on how to
          When you register you will receive a virtual         perform your officer duties, 2) learn about
      ticket that gives you access to the event lobby.         working together as a team, 3) learn how to best

      In the lobby you can learn about all the sessions        help members of your club succeed, 4) develop
      and speakers, including, for many, short videos          additional skills that can not only help you in
      explaining what you will learn in the session.           your club role, but help you in your career, 5)
      You can select a Track to view those sessions            meet other Toastmasters and have fun!

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