Page 6 - 2022-11
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As we wind down 2022, many of us are thinking ourselves into delaying things we believe are
about our plans for the New Year: a fresh start, difficult. Behavior change may be among the
a blank slate, another chance at that “new you.” most difficult, so it’s easy to understand why we
This is the year I’m going to. . . lose weight. . . quit tell ourselves, “I’ll start tomorrow. . . or Monday. . .
smoking. . . save money. . . get in shape. . . find a or next month or next year.” If we are honest with
new job. . . finish a path in Toastmasters. . . ” Any ourselves, we will realize that the truth is the
of this sound familiar? chance for a new beginning is available to us in
Not only would I wager that most of you every moment.
have, at some point in life, made a New Year's That said, I admit that there is something
resolution similar to the above, but I’d double about turning the calendar to a new year that
down that some of them have been started and can be motivating and there is nothing wrong
re-started multiple times! with using that motivation to get something new
As a wise person once said, “I’m awesome kick started in our lives.
at {quitting smoking | losing weight | changing Something you may have realized by now,
jobs}, I’ve done it at least 50 times!” for most of us, motivation alone is not enough.
If you are anything like the roughly 30% of Depending on which unscientific study you
Americans who pledged a New Year's resolution believe, most people will quit their New Year's
for 2023, then this article is for you. If you did resolution somewhere between mid-January and
not make a resolution, this article is still for you! the end of February, and the percentage that
As humans, we are pretty good at talking actually successfully complete the goal they set