Page 9 - 2022-08
P. 9

business sector. During an interview, I always  What would you share with those who are

      mention my involvement with Toastmasters  interested in taking on a leadership role next
      and how that commitment will continue. Most  year?
      prospective employers are impressed and                   Don’t be afraid to step up and become a

      accepting of my volunteerism in Toastmasters.          Club officer. If you’re like me, you’ll have strong
                                                             support from your Club members, and you will
      As Division A Director, what is your vision for  be happy to help your Club.
      the Division this year?                                   Because my fellow Toastmasters in leadership

         Being an Area Director last year was a huge  roles are very supportive and knowledgeable
      learning curve. I came into the role mid-year to  people, each of these leadership experiences
      fill a vacancy. I had no experience with speech  has been rewarding.
      contests and didn’t have many established                 The biggest take-away for me is that all

      connections to help me. Fortunately, the few  Toastmasters are on the same journey of
      connections I had made were able to find others  professional and personal development via
      to help with roles, and everything worked out  camaraderie, support, and learning new roles. A
      fine. For this year’s Division Contest, I envision a  leadership role in Toastmasters should be seen as

      smoother process that starts with supporting the  an opportunity for additional growth and FUN!
      Area Directors (ADs) with their contests, assisting
      them to have a smooth, successful process.
         I also want to support the District leadership

      in reaching their goals. By encouraging the ADs,
      I hope to get more Clubs submitting their Success
      Plans and Moments of Truth. I’d especially
      like the ADs to garner more Club support for


      What are your personal plans and
      goals for next year?

         I want to increase my competency using the
      Zoom platform and to be as active as possible
      in support of the D7 Zoom Team.
         This year will be my third year as the

      Myrtlewood Hootowlers’ VPE. Last year I
      presented a Vice President Education (VPE)
      Officer Training for TLI and perhaps that
      opportunity will come up again this year.

                                                                                  VOICES! | AUGUST 2022          9
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