Page 8 - 2022-08
P. 8
an understatement to say that my induction
into Toastmasters was full-on challenging!
What do you do outside of Toastmasters
-hobbies, interests, etc.?
When I’m not researching business
trends and finance competencies or
preparing to switch my career direction,
I enjoy playing card games or listening
to podcasts. My husband, Richard, and I
have retired to Bandon, Oregon. Seeing
our grown children and our amazing
grandchildren requires us to travel. It’s
easier for us to go to them than vice versa,
so we often drive to the Medford area or
far northern California to see family.
Myrtlewood Hootowlers in January 2020, How does Toastmasters enhance your work
their successful open house brought in many career?
new members, but shortly thereafter, in April During the short few months of my new
2020, the covid pandemic descended upon the membership that preceded the pandemic’s “two
country, and we lost about 75 percent of our new weeks to flatten the curve,” my Club experience
members. I was one of only three new members was already having a big impact by raising my
who stayed. confidence level when speaking in front of an
The biggest Aha! Moment was a quick audience.
realization that to keep the Club in good Due to the covid pandemic, I retired from
standing, I would need to take an officer role in healthcare finance in mid-2020. Since then, I
July 2020. Due to the pandemic, “everything have been on the sidelines watching how the
Toastmasters” was pivoting quickly to online it has negatively impacted the healthcare field,
meetings. At the same time, I was just learning which has seen a mass exodus.
about the new online Pathways curriculum. The
longtime Club members weren’t yet prepared to You’ve been in Toastmasters since 2020. What
adopt the new system. This posed yet another are some of the highlights of your career so far?
Aha! Moment for me when it became clear I My Toastmasters membership continues to
would need to provide leadership and Pathways strengthen my speaking abilities and enhance
support to the Club in making the transition. It’s my interview skills as I seek work in a new