Page 13 - 2022-08
P. 13

We are all Storytellers

        Toastmasters International

      will be able to tell a better, truthful story and       step-by-step system for achieving more in 12
      be remembered in a good light when someone              weeks than others do in 12 months.
      retells your story.                                        I am intrigued by the authors do-it-now
           When it comes to your Toastmasters                 method and how it relates to Toastmasters.

      Education program, are you working to finish            Our first quarter, July through September, is 12
      your Distinguished Toastmaster Award? What              weeks. Instead of setting your educational goals
      ending do you want to share? Do you need                for one year, make them for 12 weeks. Consider
      to sponsor a Club, conduct a Speechcraft, or            each week a month and make each day count.

      Youth Leadership program? Why not start a                   What are Clubs and Toastmasters doing
      new Club? Send your ideas to Dave Bones, our            right now in these first 12 weeks of the new
      Club Growth Director. You can become the new            year? They are finishing Club officer training,
      Club Sponsor. There are a plethora of ideas to          conducting educational sessions, Moments of

      consider, and brainstorming can give you lots           Truths, Club Success Plans, and sending leads
      of new stories to tell!                                 and ideas to our Club Growth Director. It’s okay
           I am reading The 12 Week Year, by Brian            if you are just now setting a plan. Let's set our
      Moran and Michael Lennington. The authors               goals, develop a plan of success, and share ideas.

      challenge the reader to write and tell their own           I am glad we're on this journey together.
      story. The book walks you through a proven              Let’s connect, share ideas, and talk.

                                                                                  VOICES! | AUGUST 2022         13
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