Page 12 - 2022-08
P. 12
We are all Storytellers
Toastmasters International
Tell Your Story!
Lorri Andersen, DTM - District 7 Director
This year’s International Convention Keynote he was able to sail through job interviews and
speaker focused on storytelling. I love the art of sign his name on the acceptance form.
storytelling and I have heard many applications My family had many great storytellers.
of it within the workplace and at home. I have fond memories of my dad, aunt, and
When I joined Toastmasters there was a grandma telling stories about "back home"
Club member who had to change jobs several or "in the old days." They shared stories about
times due to the changing economy. Within people they knew and followed up with the
a few weeks he accepted a new job that was moral to the story. Their smiles, laughter,
better than the one he left. What was his secret? and wisdom had a big impact on me. I always
He combined the art of storytelling with the treasured the time I was able to spend with
Toastmasters Club staple—Table Topics. With them. It became natural to use this style of
a beginning, middle, and end, he answered his storytelling to teach my children and my own
interviewer, followed up with a storytelling family.
example in the center, and recapped it all at Recently, I read a book about using
the end. I always admired his tenacity and storytelling to make better decisions. Decide
perseverance to continue with Toastmasters early on what your ending is going to be.
when things got tough. He worked hard to Begin and follow through by making the right
improve his Toastmaster skills. By doing this, decisions to achieve that desired result. You