Page 32 - voices-2021-08
P. 32


       An Overabundance of Joy

       David Freedman, IP3

      It was during the pandemic that I learned to  down with an infectious disease. One, that until
      count my blessings again. We’ve all been living  recently, had no vaccine and which proved to be

      with social isolation for the last year. Gym time  lethal many times over. We’re not well-equipped
      and Zoom meetings being the main exceptions  to stay at home and avoid socialization even
      for myself. I’d realized that there were still  when it’s an outright necessity. We don’t slow

      some options to keep busy during my forced  our activities when our culture insists that we
      downtime. In fact, in many ways, it felt like I  should do something to fulfill our economic
      had too many choices to make in my own home.  potential. Therefore, counting my blessings
          I’m a huge bibliophile and gamer. There are  became such an important strategy. I couldn’t
      well over a hundred books that I’ve yet to read  go out and job hunt or find much work online

      and at least thirty video games unfinished. I can’t  because most people couldn’t work. I couldn’t
      even count all the TV shows and movies that are  drum up business for our transcription company.
      on my streaming list that I want to catch up on.  No one in the film industry was able to create any

      I couldn’t make myself play a lot of the games  products for film, television, or documentaries.
      or read a fraction of the books. The incessant  I couldn’t visit family and friends very often for
      voice in my head insisted, “You need to be doing  fear of infecting them or they in turn infecting
      something else. Now. Go job hunt. Get busy with  me. Zoom became its own blessing. We could
      creating your career. Don’t just sit there and  have face time with our friends, relatives, and

      mope.” Except, as we all know, we weren’t just  other social or employment connections. Taking
      sitting there and moping.                              stock thus became a major priority, and through
          We were dealing with forced isolation. We  doing that I eventually noticed that I had an

      didn’t know when or where we could come  overabundance of joy if I only took the time to

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