Page 35 - voices-2021-08
P. 35

A.I.M. to Have Successful Zoom Meetings

 Jennifer Schmidt, EH2

      intention, your meeting will be more powerful  on because then the meeting becomes tedious.
      and meaningful.                                        The main thing to watch for are tangents. One
                                                             topic quickly becomes three or isn’t relevant

      Timely Tracking Encourages Movement at all, and suddenly the meeting is off target.
          New Horizons and PR Masters meetings are  If someone is monopolizing the floor, gently
      90-minutes long. They never seem long because  remind them you want to cover everything on
      there’s always forward movement. If an archery  the agenda and hear from everyone. You could

      competitor never releases their arrow, nothing  also encourage a followup email.
      would happen. The same is true for meetings.               Remember time is the one commodity
      You keep things moving by getting agreement  that can’t be replaced. People who give their
      from your attendees at the beginning, then  time to meet with you understand this is a

      sticking to your plan. Devote 10 minutes per  non-refundable investment. With that in mind,
      topic, clearly state the time block, and set your  strive to create a thoughtful agenda, focus on
      timer. This sets the field for reminders when  your purpose, and move your meeting to get
      you interrupt to keep the meeting going. While  the results you want. Take A.I.M. to your next

      it might feel weird to interject and time your  meeting and you will achieve a Zoom experience
      topics, most people don’t want one topic to drag  everyone will enjoy!

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