Page 36 - voices-2021-08
P. 36


       The Passive Dead

        Ken Coomes, DTM

      Zombies can help you improve your writing.                 The use of active voice strengthens the
      Or Loki, God of Mischief, if you prefer. Let me  sentence, and offers greater detail to the reader.
      show you how.                                          When you are delivering a speech, the active

          If you’ve read (or even heard) anything about  voice draws your audience in and keeps them
      creative writing, you’ve almost certainly heard  more engaged.
      that good writing avoids “passive voice.” Roughly          Don’t despair if you are guilty of using passive
      99% of the time, according to USA Today best- voice. Here is an example from “Frankenstein,”

      selling author Heather Marie Adkins, in her  by Mary Shelley.
      writing course “Amplify Your Craft.” So how
      do you find passive voice in your own writing?  PASSIVE: The poor woman was very vacillating.
      That’s where zombies, or Loki, come into play.             Perhaps the rules of grammar have evolved

      But first, a little intro and some examples.           since she wrote “Frankenstein.” Maybe we
          Four words that give you a clue that you might  understand them differently today. At any
      be using passive voice include: is, are, was, were.  rate, how might we make this an active voice
      These words are fine, and often the best to use  statement?

      for whatever you are writing. But much of the
      time they indicate passive voice, where the use  ACTIVE: The poor woman vacillated between being
      of active voice is better. Here is an example of  attracted to the deranged scientist and being
      passive voice.                                         repulsed by his audaciousness.

                                                                 Now, let’s harken back to the walking dead,
      PASSIVE: Kara and Martha were the meanest  and Loki, God of Mischief (newest offering in the
      evaluators in our club.                                Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) by Disney+).
          This sentence is fine grammatically, but it is  How can the zombies from the Walking Dead

      in passive voice. Have Kara and Martha learned  help you identify passive voice? One way, most
      how to deliver more encouraging evaluations,  of the time, is by following the questionable
      hence “were” the meanest evaluators and now  sentence with the phrase “by zombies.” It’s not
      are not? Have they left the club? How might we  100% effective, but let’s look at how this works.

      make this sentence active?                                 Questionable sentence: The ball was thrown.
                                                                 Is this written in passive voice? If you’re not
      ACTIVE: Kara and Martha delivered their evaluations  sure, try “by zombies.”
      with biting criticism and vitriol.                         Questionable sentence: The ball was thrown

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