Page 27 - voices-2021-08
P. 27
been a Rover Scout
in England, stood as
my champion, He
convinced my mother
and encouraged me to
go to Scout Camp at
Camp Dimond-O. It
was to be the adventure of a lifetime—swimming, continued to relate, you would be assured of
boating, star hikes, living in tents for a week, advancing further in the Scouting program (my
and of course the ultimate— The Trading Post ears perked up) and you would want to return
for sodas (they sold a “suicide” drink of all sodas to Dimond-O another year. He concluded his
mixed together!), snacks, and souvenirs from the remarks with an invitation to us Tenderfoots to
camp. This was to be my year! I am an August accompany him on a vigil the following night.
Baby and hadn’t been old enough to join the Spend time in the forest, contemplate our path
Scouts until I was eleven, thus I was a year behind in our advancement, and what we could be as
some of my friends. Finally, mother consented, men and leaders of the future.. I was hooked! I
grandfather paid, and I packed up my things— signed up as fast as I could for a chance at this
sleeping bag, full uniform, and my official Scout adventure. Who cared if you lost a few hours of
toiletry kit. I got into one of the cars going down sleep when your whole life was at stake, and you
to Yosemite by convoy. I drank it all in, listening would clearly divine the future?
intently to what our Camp Commissioner Tom We gathered outside the trading post. Staff
said each night at the campfire. As a Tenderfoot members, the older, wiser guides and guardians
Scout, my main goal was to finish off the outdoor of our experience, were present. Each wore a
portion and become a Second-Class Scout that green felt slouch hat with one side folded up
week. And then one night, Tom told the legend of a-la-the pictures of the early English Scouts.
“The Immortal Hand,” the spirit in the Yosemite We were told we could purchase a similar hat
Valley. He said there would be an opportunity to identify ourselves as proud veterans of Camp
to, perhaps, be one of the few lucky Scouts to Dimond-O. I wanted one of those hats! (I still
see the ghostly phenomenon. If you did, he have a faded photograph of me ready for camp
VOICES! | AUGUST 2021 27