Page 26 - voices-2021-08
P. 26
The Immortal Hand
Paul Fanning, DTM
The legend says (or so I was told) that in not seen. But dear reader, I must tell you, I have
the days when the great Yosemite Valley was been blessed in my young life, for I have seen
discovered by explorers, the natives shared a “The Immortal Hand.”
phenomenon peculiar to that area. In this land of A dam had been built flooding one of
pine and oak trees, lush vegetation, streams, and the canyons and creating the Hetch Hetchy
ample wildlife, lived a spirit who watched over Reservoir, a source of water for San Francisco
all the creatures, human and animal alike. This and thirsty California. Many natives relocated
spirit, with a very long and unpronounceable and soon resorts, summer camps, and other
name, was not malevolent, but gentle, caring tourist-related venues began to replace the
and kind. early industries of Yosemite. Conservationists
The natives believed it provided the berries, began to cry for preserving the wilderness and
acorns, and small game they needed to survive. habitats for wildlife. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, a
It prospered the people, encouraged the plant life new generation of youth flocked to the camps
to grow big and strong, and multiplied the fish nestled in these woods—Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts,
and the game. Yet known as it was by the tribe, it Campfire Girls, and other programs began
was rarely seen. If observed at all, it was a gentle teaching about conserving our natural resources,
breeze, a gust of wind or an agitation upon the honing nature skills, and a new field of wildlife
waters. However, in the dark of the night, it was management. I was one of those youth sent as
only a ghostly glow as It flitted about, the only “Babes in the Wilderness.” There we learned
discernable part being the outline of a large, about the local native legends and traditions.
glowing hand. The Summer months of July and August
Thus, the newcomers to the valley, the were special to me growing up. As I was to reach
pioneers and the settlers who were lucky to catch the mature age of twelve in a few weeks, I was
the rare glimpse of this friendly spirit, began to finally allowed to go to Summer Camp. It wasn’t
call it “The Immortal Hand” which reflected the an easy decision for my mother to let me go.
native legend and the century of those who had There was a war raging in a faraway place called
recently arrived. As towns sprang up, mining, Vietnam, and my father who was a chief hospital
logging and other industry began to drive “The corpsman, was currently convalescing in Japan
Hand” further into the wilds to the point it was after being wounded. My grandfather, who had