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the following year wearing, of course, my green was closed and returned back to the U.S. Forest
felt hat.) Service).
We were taken into the woods and each We were able to talk about old Camp
Scout was left at a spot for their night’s vigil. Dimond-O, and of course, the vigil. I told him
Having grown up in the pine forests, I had no I had seen “The Immortal Hand” that night
fear of being alone in the dark sitting, listening, and the impact it had on my life. Tom began to
and meditating. Hours into my vigil, I caught chuckle and then he told me the truth. No, there
sight of something in the darkness—a glowing was not any legend of the spirit of Yosemite. It
specter. Soon it came into view, a large-sized was all part of the camp’s program and secret
hand brightly lit, slowly winding through the initiation. I listened sadly as he conveyed that the
tress. I was amazed! Was I seeing things? Was hand was a blown-up latex glove over a flashlight
I imagining this apparition? No! It was “The which created an eerie glow. In the blackness of
Immortal Hand!” I saw it. I barely could contain the dark forest, the hand looked even bigger than
my joy, my pride, my luck at being one of the it was. Twenty years of first-year campers had
few who got to see (so to speak), the spirit in the been part of the initiation—and it didn’t hurt to
flesh. I anxiously waited for the light of dawn have sold hundreds of green felt hats.
when we were to be collected and returned to Rather than become dejected and bitter at
camp. We were admonished to keep silent our being betrayed, I chose to do something that
thoughts, our newly formulated plans in the Summer. The Tribe of Pahatsi, our camps’ camp
quiet darkness, and anything we saw or heard. honor society, had a new wrinkle, an added
I returned to my campsite. My face had a glow attraction to the Friday night initiation on tribal
about it, my grin betraying the obvious fact I island. Seen crossing the lake towards the sacred
had see something. But true to the admonition, island (our lifeguard Patrick in his scuba gear)
I remained silent. I knew the truth deep inside was a glowing hand, mysterious, ghostly, and
me, for you see, I had been blessed to be in the barely observed amidst the deep dark forest
presence of “The Immortal Hand,” the come- of Lake Tahoe. The admonition was given of
to-life legend, and its spirit was now within me. silence to all the new braves, and the warriors,
As foretold, I easily passed my Board of Review chiefs and medicine men were just as amazed.
for Second Class Scout. I was able to purchase For you see, no matter what you believe, what
my green felt hat to wear home, the symbol of your mind tells you, and what you discern as
now being a veteran. to the truth, I have seen the spirit called “The
Years later, when I was in high school, the Immortal Hand,” and the number of devotees
Camp Commissioner, Tom’s son, attended has grown since I first saw it in 1966. May you
the same school I did. He was still involved in one dark night, at a remote campsite, glimpse
Scouting. I was now an Eagle Scout, soon to be a it coming towards you, knowing it is a blessing,
camp staff member at another camp. (Dimond-O a gift, and one you must share.