Page 36 - Voices-2021-05
P. 36
It’s All About You!
Leanna Lindquist, DTM
Heeeere’s Johnny! able to jump into the discussion.
As brief as it is, it is still an introduction. An introduction provides a smooth
It prepares the audience for what is to come. transition from the Toastmaster to the
For those of you too young to remember, that speaker. It can give your credentials. Your
is how Johnny Carson of the Tonight Show audience knows what qualifies you to speak
was introduced five nights a week for thirty on a topic. Think of a realtor speaking about
years. Those two words created excitement, the local housing market. This helps carry
enthusiasm, and expectation for his audience. weight with the audience.
That is what introductions are meant to do.
How to craft an introduction
When you are the speaker Keep in mind your introduction is for the
Speakers often overlook writing their own Toastmaster to read. Write it from that point
introductions. I consider introductions an of view. Avoid the word I. Ask some questions,
important part of every speech I write. I work “why should someone listen to my speech?”
to craft one that will engage my audience “What benefits will the audience receive?” In
before I speak. One that will keep them in other words, “what is in it for them?” When
suspense and whet their appetite. I don’t you can answer these questions, you are ready
want someone to make one up for me. I am to write your introduction.
the only one who knows the content of my Start with “our next speaker” then give
speech. The stage needs to be set and only I a statement so your audience knows your
can do that. premise. For example: “Our next speaker
When I was in the Legacy Program, believes everyone can train to run a
I facilitated a discussion. My prepared marathon.”
introduction, read by the Toastmaster, let the Add a twist. “Our next speaker believes
audience know they needed to role play. They everyone can train to run a marathon after
were city council members, and I delivered the age of 60.” If appropriate, add humor.
a proposal for a Walmart to be built in West “Our next speaker believes everyone can
Linn. I did not take my valuable speaking train to run a marathon after the age of 60.
time to explain this to the audience. I was She plans to begin her training as soon as she