Page 39 - Voices-2021-05
P. 39

All Eyes on Me? Really?

 David Freedman, IP3

      moment. Rather, it was a reflection on them,  you bring your own style and substance to the
      their prejudices or beliefs. People don’t always  table. While it’s true that there are times that
      empathize well with others or know how to  you can’t teach people what they don’t wish to
      deal with those who are physically or mentally  hear, it’s your priority to decide which of those

      different from them. Learning how to navigate  people or situations you want to keep in your life.
      that emotional minefield is a lifelong process  What nurtures you best may not be what other
      and seemingly one that never ends, yet it can be  people feel is appropriate for them, but if that’s
      done, sometimes even with a little grace, other  the case, so what? You’re the one who is staking

      times with faltering footsteps until you found  out your claim to greatness, if that’s your goal.
      your balance.                                          At the very least, you’re here because you know
          Fellow Toastmasters, when you get up onstage  these are the skillsets you need to learn in order
      to give your speeches, remember that this is  to be successful elsewhere in your life. While that

      often the case as well. When you’re seen for  self-consciousness may never entirely vanish, it
      the first time, there are very few expectations  will be replaced and nurtured by the experiences
      upon you. Those of us who’ve been around  you learn by becoming the best public speaker
      the block as public speakers will recognize  you want to be.

      that it takes times to develop your craft. Being
      nervous is part of that process, and yes, failure
      is an option. Being self-conscious is normal and       David Freedman joined Toastmasters in 2013. He
      expected, and no one ever expects you to get it  is currently a member of Babble-On and Moser

      right the first, second, or even the umpteenth         Community. He is serving as VP Education and
                                                             Sergeant at Arms for Babble-On.
      time. It’s okay to be scared. Just remember that

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